C7 - Zigbee Issues

Has anybody had issues with Zigbee going down? I've had major issues pairing my old devices. I also have issues with the devices periodically not being able to update from a command (power on/off, etc.). Now, it seems like the radio died. They are all not responding to any commands and not reporting. @bobbyD or whomever, could this be a bad radio? I have changed the radio channels several times over the past week to make sure it isn't a channel issue.

I don't use zigbee on my C-7, so can't comment. I moved all zwave to my C-7, but left all zigbee on my C-4.

If no devices are working and this didn't happen following a channel change, then it may be the radio, although we have not seen any Zigbee radio failures with C5 hubs or C7. However, that doesn't mean you may not be the "lucky" first. Send me a PM with your hub's MAC or Hub UID so we can further investigate.

Another thing that may be worth trying is to do a shutdown and remove power from the hub for 30s. Let everything fully power down - removing power for just a second or two isn't long enough.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Zogbee problems on C5 hub