C7 won’t connect to network after power outage

C7 running last checkin was 6/5 then after a power outage it will not connect. No problems for 2 years otherwise. I’ve tried the network reset button to no avail, and made sure no other device is using its last known IP. Light is solid green on the box.

Searching by MAC finds the box but I don’t trust that as find util reports the old IP which according to my router is open and available. So basically the box won’t connect to network (and it’s wired).

I suspect that your DHCP server gave your hub a new IP address. Is that possible, or had a specific IP been reserved with the DHCP? I would expect that my.hubitat.com will eventually receive the new address if the hub still has internet access.

What happens if you go to http://hubitat.local?

(This assumes that the following change wasn’t changed, like I did below.)

Try the find hubs page: https://findmyhub.hubitat.com/

Once you have a possible IP of the hub, try connecting to the diagnostic tool on port 8081

You can also run the command 'arp -a' in windows and then search by MAC in there to see if you can find an IP for it.

And, just a little reminder to anyone that stumbles onto this thread, that the Hubitat hub (and your router, network switches, modem, etc.) all live happier when powered through a UPS. Cutting power to a hub abruptly can mess with the database, as can the rapid on-off-on one can see from the grid during, e.g., storms. My equipment problems have gone to nearly nothing since I put my devices behind a UPS (and they can now tell me whether the power has gone out, whether the generator turned itself on, etc).

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Thanks everyone - rolling all the suggestions together here:

I suspect that your DHCP server gave your hub a new IP address. Is that possible, or had a specific IP been reserved with the DHCP? I would expect that my.hubitat.com 2 will eventually receive the new address if the hub still has internet access.

Hub still shows offline. I may have given it a reserved IP within the settings if that's possible, but it's been years so I can't remember if that's a thing. I don't have its IP reserved at the router level and now that I check I see another device is using its IP. However when I take that device offline and power cycle the hub it still doesn't come online.

What happens if you go to http://hubitat.local?

Doesn't resolve / doesn't load in the browser

This assumes that the following change wasn’t changed

I did rename the hub, but going to [hub name].local yields the same DNS resolution issue.

Try the find hubs page: https://findmyhub.hubitat.com/ Once you have a possible IP of the hub, try connecting to the diagnostic tool on port 8081

Cannot for reasons above. It's simply offline and its registered IP from my.hubitat.com isn't being picked up by the hub and/or it's not answering on that. The IP it should be using is "destination unreachable" when I ping it.

You can also run the command 'arp -a' in windows and then search by MAC in there to see if you can find an IP for it.

Great idea. Did this and I can confirm I see nothing on its assigned IP but I also don't see its MAC. So that lines up with everything above, it just won't get online despite the solid green light.

I'm going to try to isolate it on a separate router along with my laptop to simplify the setup and see if I get anywhere. Otherwise I guess it's bricked? Like I said earlier, I tried to reset it with the pin on the underside but to no avail. Is there some other way to brute force a factory-level reset? I'm kind of at that point now unfortunately.

If you had set a static ip on the hub the network reset would clear it. Are you sure you did it correctly? Once you let go of the button the led will flash, turn off, then go solid blue and then green as hub reboots.

Yeah 100%. The sequence is as you described. I did it three times over a few days just to be sure.

I assume where you have it connected it can reach a functioning DHCP server (possibly your router)?

I guess try connecting to another router if you can, as you suggested, see if it will get an IP.
If not maybe a power spike with the outage fried something. There is no other way to reset it or bring it back. The network reset clears all the networking settings back to DHCP, normally this is enough to get it online and at least get back into the diagnostic tool.

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Try a different Ethernet cable.
Try a different network port on your switch/router.
Try a different USB power supply for the HE hub.

If none of these resolve the issue, the network port on the HE hub may have died. I had that happen once during a lightning storm. I actually lost several onboard network ports (on my router, a desktop PC, a HE hub, etc...)

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Update: things are now working although this is such a weird scenario.

After hitting a brick wall with the C7 I went ahead and ordered a C8. I left the C7 online despite it never being able to contact the hubitat server. I got busy and forget it was connected. The other night the power went out again for an hour and came back. The next day the light automations started working again. So the C7 came back online after months of being unable to.

Since I had the C8 and the return window closed I hooked that up and retired the C7. Perhaps my ISP blocked its traffic for a few months? Or the C7 just needed to be offline more than 10-15 minutes to fully reset? Who knows :slight_smile:

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Or, something else in your home networking needed to be rebooted, which losing power helped with? :man_shrugging:

Hard to know, as so many variables changed at the same time with a hour long power outage.

Glad to hear that things are working once agin.

Yeah it totally could have been my Deco system although I did check blacklists there previously and came up empty. Who knows, just happy to be back online! :slight_smile:

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