C7 to C8 - All Z-Wave missing

I just had the same thing happen.

both hubs were running .105 Cloud backup made off of old hub, restored to new hub. Everything there except all zwave devices are missing. I don't have any zigbee devices

I've done two restores now from backup, and both times, no Z-wave devices.

Update: Went back to the original hub, and took another cloud backup, and another restore. That seemed to work. Maybe sometimes when taking a backup the zwave tables are being missed?

Good point. Or disable zigbee...

During the migration I made sure both the รง7 and รง8 weren't up at the same time... :+1:

..I think I will take it to a friend's house and do any changes there... Lol

Or wrap yourself and your hub in five layers of tin foil. :slight_smile:

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