C7 keeps shutting down


I purchased a C7 back in July and I am one that is waiting to migrate anything permanently to it until the Protection Service Is available. I have done some minor playing with it but nothing significant. I have kept the OS and Z-wave up to date.

In the last month or two I have been finding the unit shut down for no apparent reason. I can find no indication in the logs that it shut down properly. Thus I have to assume that it simply lost power. I have unplugged power from the back of the unit and from the power block. Both methods seem to reboot it fine. I check it every few hours and find it will sometimes run for hours and other times for minutes before finding it powered off. Most times it happens over night.

Do I need a warranty replacement?


See this post: Severe CPU Load? - #2 by bobbyD

UPDATE: looks like I haven’t had enough caffeine this morning. It appears that the two threads are about two different hubs. If you didn’t do so already, please send us your C7 MAC address to support@hubitat.com so we can further research.

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Thanks but I always do. When I find this unit off it is not because I took any action to reboot it. It is just found to be off. I do not have a replacement power supply without unplugging my C5 but that is running everything right now.



Ok it shut down again sometime between my last post and 2PM ET. So I tried a new power supply and couldn’t get it to start. Then I tried a new cable with the original power supply and it started right away. It is still running. Starting to think it is the cable. I will watch it for a couple of days. If it is still running can you send me a replacement cable? I borrowed this from another less important device for testing.


Thanks for the update. I think you may be correct. I checked your hub's error log and there is nothing obvious that may be malfunctioning inside the hub. Keep us posted.

Ok I am going with a bad cable. The hub has been stable and had no incidents of powering down. Two days now. Any chance you can send a new cable?


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