C7 been needing a power reset often

All those devices w/out routes seems odd.

@scuzy, after you did the shut down/power pull/restart did the Z-Wave Details page fill in routes for more/all of your devices?

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can you explain the routes portion ? i'm not sure what that means.

nope only some had routes.

Routes show you how your devices are talking to your hub and vice
-versa... Some devices will show a direct connect to the hub, some will go through one or more devices to reach the hub.

When you "lose" routes in your Z-Wave Details page it often\usually means your devices aren't connecting to your hub
However, in some cases it is a display issue that just requires a hub shut down, pull power\restart to resolve. It's also normal to not show routes right after a migration from one hub to another, they fill in over a few days after the migration.

Hub is the "01" device.





Are things working ok?

Yeah everythings working good now. No issue with hub not responding.