C5 to C8 migration ... ZWave failure on

Both C5 and C8 are version

I tried to do the migration from a cloud backup to the new hub and all device, app info appears to be successful, the zigbee devices are fine, but the zwave radio details didn't migrate. I then did a soft reset and tried again. The directions say to reset the radios, but my screen (in doesn't have a 'Reset Z-Wave Radio Field' under this settings.


  1. Connect to hub and click Settings on the left menu, then select Z-Wave Details. On the Z-Wave Details page, reset the radio by typing "reset" in the Reset Z-Wave Radio field.

Been searching the topics, but haven't quite found anything that addresses my problem.


You may not need to reset them. You can just retry the restore from Cloud, making sure you select the Zwave option. It will restore the DB as well as the ZWave radio... assuming of course that you got a good Cloud backup from the C-5.

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Fair enough. As I said in my post, tried that, it didn't work. I'm going back to C5 now to create a new cloud backup. Was hoping to figure out HOW to reset the zwave radio on the C8 before I proceeded again. It may not be necessary, but trying to cover every base. :slight_smile:

The reset was moved to Diagnostic tools.
You may need to update your diagnostic tools.
Docs-Diagnostic Tool

Missing or Outdated Diagnostic Tool

The following two steps are required if the hub is functional but the Hubitat Diagnostic Tool appears to be missing or outdated (it will normally update on its own, assuming the hub has Internet access; this is separate from regular platform updates). You may be on an outdated version if you do not see the Download Backups option or if the interface looks different from the screenshots above.

  1. Navigate to http:// [Your Hub IP] /hub/cloud/updateDiagnosticTool, wait a few minutes (you will not see a progress report), and the latest Diagnostic Tool version will be downloaded if needed.
  • NOTE: Replace [Your Hub IP] with the IP address of your hub.
  1. Proceed to http:// [Your Hub IP] :8081 after the above completes and then continue following the steps in this document.

The Cloud Migration tool knows how to reset the Z-Radios, prior to doing the import from the backup.

The Diagnostic Menu has an Advanced option at the bottom of the list. The radio resets have been moved there.


Resolved the issue. There was an upgrade in the middle of my migration 123->124 ... needed to go back to C5, create a new cloud backup on, shutdown, factory reset the C8, then complete the migration with the new cloud backup. Thanks all!


124 had some known issues and it is suggested you roll back to 123

Also, please make sure your C8 is powered with the supplied block and not a PoE splitter. The C8 z-wave chip malfunctions when the hub gets unstable voltage from cheap PoE splitters.


Yeah, I was using the supplied power block, not PoE. I suspect the radio on the C5 is fritzy too ... I see in the log every so often the cloud backup would report that the zwave radio info was not backed up. Probably was a good time to upgrade. Is it safe to upgrade to now? :slight_smile:

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Yes 125 seems fine

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