C5 to C8 Migration, No Devices Work

I believe you will see a check box for each type of radio you were running on the hub you backed up (Z-Wave or Zigbee or both).


When you do a migration or a cloud restore it will ask if you want to restore the zigbee and/or z-wave radios...

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Thanks....many pieces to this puzzle. :grin:

There are actually (3) boxes to mark checked in the migration video. I checked all (3).
After the shutdown and power pulled for (5) minutes there are no changes.
Wave Details has are no radio devices listed.

There is 4 but you should only be concerned with these 2

Suggestions on restoring the ZWave radio details?
Both the Zigbee and ZWave records are listed in the Devices view.

If you used the cloud migration properly, shut down the hub, unplug power for 5 mins and power back up. Do you see anything now in z-wave details? If not you may need to re run the migration.

Are you creating and downloading a backup from your old hub to your computer? If so, that backup file will not migrate the Zigbee and Z-Wave radio devices.

What model is your old hub? Does the old hub use an external Z-Wave USB radio stick? This may be the problem. I know the internal C5/C7 Z-Wave radio can be migrated to the C8. And I know the external radios on the C3/C4 can NOT be migrated. Not sure about an external Z-wave radio on the C5 hub, though... :thinking:

I backed up the hub to my computer.
updated my platform version to the latest first.
I used the migration tool within the Settings / Backup screen to back-up into the cloud.
I followed the migration instructions to restore the cloud backup including checking the Zigbee and Zwave boxes.
Result - No Zwave radio details.

I again backed up from the cloud backup .
Result - No Zwave radio details.
Zigbee devices work fine.

My older hub was a C5 hub.

Please answer the above question...

It does not use an external Z-Wave USB stick.

So I shut down the C8 hub and reinstalled the C5 hub.
I backed (to the cloud) up the C5 hub via the migration tool.
I shutdown the C5 hub.
I installed the C8 hub and restored the back up (just created) from the cloud.
The hub rebooted and I now have the Zwave radio details listed and the Zwave devices are working.
However, my Zigbee devices are sluggish or just not working.
They appear to be loaded correctly, just not responding. They were fast on the last C8 hub reboot...

I am having to unplug or remove the batteries on all Zigbee devices and cycle them using the physical button (120v units) or the switch controlling the device if the Zigbee is a motion detector unit.

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