C5 - Blue Light - Tried many items - only works in safe mode sometimes

I have owned my Hubitat (c5) hub since June 2019 and things have gone pretty well over that time, until yesterday.

I came home in the evening and noticed that lights that should have been off were still on and I checked the hub and the status light was green. Tried to connect with mobile app and via web browser and there was no response.

I turned off the power for 2-3 minutes and then repowered the device and it got stuck at 20% loading. I left it that way for 20 minutes with no change. I then came to the forums looking for help and was glad to find out there was a diagnostic tool at http://:8081.

I tried the following, none of which would successfully boot:

  • Restore to a previous version
  • Soft Reset
  • Reboot Hub

Then I tried to enter safe mode and after a couple of tries the diagnostic tool was able to get to the device but after less than a minute the hub stopped responding. I was able to download a backup from a few days prior to any issues and have that saved locally.

After another hour of trying to use the diagnostics tool I was never successful at being able to do anything other then get into safe mode. I performed a full reset and even found the factory reset address and went through that.

What I have learned that is if I do not get to the diagnostic tool in the first few seconds after it starts booting up it will be unresponsive and the only thing that i have been able to do is get to safe mode once or twice and that is not even consistently working.

I really love this device and want to get it back working so any help would be greatly appreciated. I did reach out via the support email but expect that I may get the best responses here. I hope that there is a way to recover since buying another one is not something that I want to do!


as a last resort YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTING,
you can try factory reset, but first tag support by placing a support ticket-I see you did that already
they might be able to recover the Hub

I'm out of ideas-sorry
tagging @csteele, if he doesn't know...

The Full Reset from the Diagnostic menu, should pretty much NEVER be used after the first day or two of use, OR when you're about to pack into a box to send to your EBay buyer. :smiley:

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If you really, really did it.. all your Z-Devices have lost their controller. You'll have to re-Join everything.

However, you should be back at the "Begin or Restore DB" green screen, right?

You have to click through the Register tile and get the hub re-registered, which fortunately is all automatic and pretty quick. You'll have to set your location again, etc.

Then you can verify that it's stays up and available.

You can restore a DB, but there are no actual devices available for ANY of those Rules/Drivers and Apps. You can individually join your devices then swap in but don't underestimate the level of effort.

I did the factory reset because I was impatient and if I have to bring everything back I can handle that.

However, portal.hubitat can find the hub but it cannot download and install the platform itself.

It continues to fail the update.

For more information:

The hub is reserved as a static IP address and have google wifi mesh. I have connected to different Ethernet options both on the mesh wifi and a network switch. I can always ping the device everytime.

I did remove the static reservation to make sure that it was somehow the problem but the same behavior continues to occur.

I have attached the picture from the diagnostic tool.

From the diagnostic page log out of the hub and then log back in, then try soft or full reset.
You will have to log out and back in for each attempt.
I would do a soft reset first and if it works you can restore your settings from a past backup.

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Having performed a Factory Reset I know I cannot recover from a backup and will have to start from scratch but right now I cannot get the device to take a platform version so it will not fully boot.

I can go to portal.hubitat.com and it will see it and it continues to fail at loading the firmware.

if it does not fully boot it may have not done a full reset.
Try the log out and log in with a soft reset first.
you may get lucky

easy way to get your mac address for logging back in to your hub is from the http://portal.hubitat.com/ link
easier to copy and paste

I have performed soft reset, safe mode restart, hard reset and factory recovery. None of which have seemed to work. The portal website definitely shows the IP address to match what i am using.

I logged out and back in and when I go to find my hubs it will start the download update process and then it will fail as seen here.

Soft-Reset now fails and safe mode say it will reboot but never gets into safe mode.

to be clear I meant log out from the bottom of the diagnostic page (hubip:8081) and log back in again and then select soft reset
not from the portal page
not sure if timing is critical but I did it pretty fast copying and pasteing the mac address for log in and the "soft reset" command.

Totally understood. I have logged out at the bottom of diagnostic tool. Tried in incognito mode so there was no history or cache in my browser.

you may have to try a few attempts.
After logging in and out on the diagnostic page
I also noticed if I then went to the portal page and selected the hub, the Last Checkin time and date was updating correctly.

My Hubitat is brand new out of the box and I can ONLY connect in Diagnostic Mode at port 8081.

Full reset and soft reset both fail. All I can do is reboot the box which changes nothing.

Port 80 is NOT blocked on my LAN, plenty of other devices connect just fine on port 80.

I have even connected the Hubitat and my Laptop to a dumb switch directly connected to the internet.

Same results.

I have tried 4 different browsers, all the same.

App from my iPhone fails also.

Is there a way to reset via a hardware push button?

This really sucks. Brand new device!!!!

The diagnostic menu working is a big help... did you try either of the first two options yet?

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It's brand new, so the 2nd option probably isn't useful, but certainly downloading the latest and then WAITING for the 5-10 mins it takes to actually do it, is worth a try.

I don't know what your Internet speed is, but you have to wait for the download to be pulled down, then the hub checks it, etc, The hub doesn't provide any progress. It would be helpful if it did...

I just tried it on my development hub and it took 5 seconds or so, then showed a "Success" message followed by the hub rebooting, then back to the diagnostic page.

Probably worth the 5 mins... while you wait for a response from support for the ticket you submitted.

Hi Csteele,

There is NO OPTION to download a new version, only the Restore Previous Version option shows and when selected, goes to a new empty page. i.e - no previous versions shown.

My internet speed is currently 400MBps. But as I said, I don't have an option to select Download Latest Version.

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Tried to send you a screenshot of my Diagnostics page but it won't allow me.

The Topic is "Blue Light" and so I'm going to assume that is what you are seeing. I'll also assume you have a C-7, the latest.

A Blue LED means the Platform OS is not working. It may be corrupt, missing, etc. but the hub tries to load it and fails. With no previous version, it can't do any of it's automatic recoveries. :frowning:

Odd that I can get to the Diagnostics page...

And yes - box only ever shows a Blue light, never a green one. It did have a red light prior to me power cycling it once.