I just applied the update from 2.3.4.xxx to my C4 hub and now it won't restart, I did a power-cycle and still nothing. Not sure what to do next.
I did download a fresh backup before the update.
Ironically my C8 was delivered just now, hours after my C4 crashed. @gopher.ny I see you've been helping people, I'm sure you're busy with C8 questions but how do I get my hub back so I can upgrade?
Please try an alternative power supply. I hope it's the external power issue and not internal. We have seen a few cases of C4s going out in this fashion. The update was just a coincidence.
I'm not sure I have a compatible power supply but I'll put the multi-meter on it and see if the PS is working. (Just sent a email to support btw)
As I said above, it does have a blue light on the ZWave dongle so it is getting power.
Woah! I left it unplugged for 5-10 minutes (previously was ~1 min) and it restarted OK.
Now I will get to work migrating to my new C8.
Is there a guide for that since I can't do the cloud backup from the old unit?