[C-8] Zigbee devices that do not pair correctly in HE

:frowning: So my idea for this C-8 connectivity problem showing up only when thee are incompatible Zigbee repeaters/routers may be wrong ... (

Just in case, check your Zigbee map - is there any device shown as a router? (blue dot)

This is mine, very simple! I've had no new devices added since I successfully added the current problem device to my C-5 a few weeks ago

Actually, I have a button turn turn everything off downstairs which isn't showing above, just pressed it and it is now showing. The blue one is a battery powered zigbee button, had it for over 2 years though

It is very unlikely that the battery-powered button is a router, more probably this is incorrectly reported/determined routing functionality.

As a last idea - remove the battery from your problematic Ikea button and try again tomorrow, after rebooting the C-8 hub.


Might be worth looking at the getChildandRouteInfo for the hub; prior to the C-8 this was usually a reliable indicator of the hub's direct connected child devices and neighbor routers. Rarely (even with the C-3) I have seen it confuse child devices with routers, but it usually straightens itself out after a while. It's also more of a 'realtime' indicator without the confusion factor of past/present routing history that the depiction of the Zigbee graph is prone to,

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This is mine


This device is available on Ikea USA for $18.99 - it may be of an interest to Hubitat devs, if the problem with the Zigbee pairing to C-8 hubs is confirmed:

Looks like all of your battery devices (save the Hall Button) are accounted for; assuming it had been correctly joined initially, its absence from the child table-- if the C-8 were displaying it properly; evidently this isn't a given-- would imply that the hub considers it 'evicted' and no longer a child device. Usually this happens when the child device has missed its scheduled 'wakeup/checkin' interval; the hub assumes it is either no longer part of the mesh, or has disconnected and rejoined another parent router elsewhere.

At least that's the way Zigbee on the C-3 thru C-7 worked, when it seemed to be less problematic.

If that button is still operating properly, the C-8 evidently still doesn't seem capable of displaying an accurate inventory of its child devices. AFAIK the hub's child inventory comes from a ZDO command which should work properly as the source of the hub's child table. With initial firmware it didn't work well on the C-8 at all; sometime later (when the dashed lines started appearing in the getChildandRoueInfo output; evidently later firmware has some massaging of the data going on to fix up the output) it seemed to be working better; maybe its still not fixed.

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That button, it's a Sonoff SNZB-01, has always worked differently to my other devices. The 'last activity' date is always the last time it was pressed. It did the same on the C-5.

It does show that button on the Zigbee devices pages though

Did it show up in the C-5's child data (in getChildandRouteInfo)?

It is weird that it says N/A and 0 Msgs on the SNZB-01 device. I have a couple of those on my C-7 and every time I click them, the Msgs counter goes up by 1.

Is your C-5 powered down? Do you use hub mesh?

C-5 was wiped and sold. No mesh.

Could the SNZB-01 be driver related, I use the oh-lalabs.com driver

I use the in-built "Sonoff Zigbee Button Controller" but the weirdness should not be driver related.

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Answered here.

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Ah sorry, I use that also. This wouldn't be anything to do with my IKEA button issue though would it, the sonoff button has been connected for years

Doh, I'd rebooted before hence the 0 count!

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Can you please do the following experiment:

  1. Unpair the E2123

  2. Open Zigbee Logs in a new browser tab and leave it running: Settings -> Zigbee Details -> Zigbee Logging (button on top)

  3. Start Zigbee Pairing on initial browser tab

  4. Reset the E2123 (4 clicks in 5 seconds on the link button) and keep it really really close to the Hub

  5. Get the output from the Zigbee Logging tab and paste it here. Should look something like this:

This way we can see what ZDO/ZCL messages are received from the device.

Here you go....

Was the above of any help?

I don't know if it's of any help but the IKEA device still seems to be communicating with the hub, eg last activity at

On C-7, I did some low-level digging using my new toy (a Zigbee sniffer) and an IKEA Styrbar Remote Control N2 (E2002).

Looking at the screenshot above, I found the following:

  • The highlighted Zigbee packages (aside form the first one) are present only when the IKEA device (0x1662) is close to the HE Hub (0x0000) - which is also the Trust Center.

  • When pairing the IKEA remote far away from the HE hub (even if really close to a Zigbee repeating-capable device), these packages do not appear in the logs (aside from the first, the Request Key)

I need to read a lot more on the Zigbee security layer, but my basic understanding is this:

  1. Request Key command: When it joins the Zigbee mesh, the IKEA remote is asking the Trust Center for the Trust Center Link Key (0x04).

  2. Transport Key command: Wild guess: the Trust Center is indeed replying to the Request Key command BUT only using whisper / low-power mode; when you are not physically close enough, you don't "hear" the message. Some other mechanism might be at play here; what is certain is that this message is not delivered from 0x0000 if the device is not in close proximity. Then how did this message got to my sniffer, which was 3 meters away?

  3. Verify Key and Confirm Key commands: The IKEA remote then verifies the received key with the Trust Center (0x0000, the HE Hub) to make sure it "heard" it well (whispering can distort sounds :slight_smile:).

  4. Permit Join Request command: Using this acquired key, the IKEA remote is temporarily accepting new network joins (usually only the coordinator can do this) - I believe that these IKEA remotes were/are used to guide/herd other IKEA devices (bulbs?) into the Zigbee mesh.

One of the biggest changes to HE C-8 is the use of Zigbee 3.0 and one of the most significant changes to Zigbee 3.0 has something to do with the Trust Center functionality.

My guess is that C-8 is not able/willing to transport the Trust Center Link Key to IKEA devices joining the mesh, and these devices then get upset and go into "jerk mode" by refusing to honor their bindings (buttons don't do anything; don't know if periodic attribute reporting, like battery reports, work correctly).

PS: Zigbee sniffing is the bomb! :slight_smile:


I've ordered the SNZB-01P (the newer round version of SNZB-01) which is also Zigbee 3.0 so I should be able to try that on the C-8 at the weekend.

Has anyone from Hubitat acknowledged that this is an issue yet? I noticed a thread posted acknowledging issues when migrating from C-5 to C-8 but I don't know if that is related.