C-8 Pro

actually if the device logs and app logs page can be trusted

284 apps
394 devices.. but again not all direct devices. ie some child and virtual etc.

i have it pretty locked down and it is not overly struggling with cpu.. but the memory is the issue.. double would be much better.

You show Yoda-like wisdom.

A C9-Pro you deserve, my young padawan.


Ordered, on a single C8 now. I'm a sucker for upgrades.

Every electrical switch, multiple electrical outlets, multiple lights and bulbs, every shade on every window (two shades per window in bedrooms), sensors on every window and door, leak sensors under every sink and water-related appliance, multiple motion sensors in every room, every network device, every speaker in every room, etc. It adds up quickly once you get started :smile:


Must.... resist..... I have 3 hubs. 2 of which are in use (C5 & C7) with my C8 sitting around waiting for me to not be lazy and migrate the C5 to the C8.

But my finger is too close to the check-out button......!!!!!

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they've seen pretty adamant they aren't doing PoE.

There’s no evidence it has PoE, appears to be just the CPU and RAM upgrades.

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Won't the PoE -> USB-C adapters like this work?

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Upgrade (discount) from C-8 to pro?


Anyone mind if I start another C8 Pro topic? :wink:


Not always. For example, Ubiquiti PoE seems to interfere with the radios.

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Same zigbee chip as the C8?

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No POE on the C8-Pro. That's clear.

Just like the soup, you get none! :wink:

The novelty of the new C8 Pro topics has worn off by now; you're like 30 minutes late for that.


Oh my goodness yes, we need about 10 to really cover the same info over and over... :smiley:


I think this is the right time to criticize and take down the new hub.... We have had ample time to critique it's specifications and performance, we can now cast jusdgement on the new features and how they best serve our lives...


No change to Z-Wave or Zigbee chips.

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Ouch! Good thing I didn't try it :slight_smile:

Might that be the reason they don't do it then?

Well I'm hearing it has a very nice box.


wonder what the hub protect cost will be .. i assume slightly higher as hub is more expensive.. brings up the pt if that is true how transferring existing hub protects will work.

but again cost is not higher from c7 to c8 so i may be wrong.