C-8 Error cloning scene

Hi all,

I'm getting a mix of strange errors when attempting to clone scenes on C-8 I have a large number of LIFX bulbs, and I color them for various holidays, etc. I'd like to set up a scene, clone it, and then edit the colors, keeping dimmer and on/off states the same.

At first, I tried to create a simple scene for all bulbs being on, white, same color, and then clone it. I got the following:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: appCloner$_getLabelById_closure21$_closure63.call() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.HashMap$Node) values: [61=Outside Lights On (White) ]
Possible solutions: any(), any(), each(groovy.lang.Closure), any(groovy.lang.Closure), each(groovy.lang.Closure), any(groovy.lang.Closure) on line 614 (method main)

I then took normal troubleshooting steps; rebooted, attempted again, same issue. I then removed the scene and created a new one, this time with all lights set to OFF, and attempted to clone. Different result, but still not the intended outcome:

Error: Cannot get property 'name' on null object

Welcome any suggestions or feedback on how I may be able to accomplish this.


Suggest that you import the Scene into Room Lighting. Scene is not really supported any longer, and Room Lights will do the same things as the imported Scene.

@bravenel thanks for the suggestion - I'll give it a try.

Worth noting I'm now no longer able to clone anything - I get

Error: Cannot get property 'name' on null object

Immediately. I'm going to try and roll back a version and see if that resolves it.

Are you talking about Export/Import/Clone?

If so, don't bother rolling back. Do this instead:

Open Restore Apps from Settings page, It's URL will look something like this:

But with your hub ip address and some number other than 444.

Open this corresponding URL, again with your hub IP and whatever number instead of 444:

At the bottom right, click on Remove Export/Import/Clone, and confirm.

It should work again after those steps.

You can clone a Scene using the parent Groups and Scenes app. You can't do it with Export/Import/Clone.

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Wish I had seen this sooner, but ended up just rolling back to a known good database backup, as something I'd done clearly had done something bad in the database.

All is well, I'm able to clone rules and other items again, and I'm recreating things in Room Lighting.

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