C-7 Driver Issues

that is why it keeps teling you there are pending changes.. it not getting through to update the device.. recommend you exlude it and pair it agian.

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I already did exclude and repair again. :grinning: (I did it an hour ago). I asked about this here, a week ago, but didnt get any answer.

did you pair it right next to hub.. or is it a in wall switch.. also what does the zwave device page show about it regarding in out, etc. also not saying if you paired it with or without security.. not really enough info to go on.

need info like this.

Sorry, as mentioned, this hub is a C-5. I dont have a C-7. (I do have a C-4). paired right next to hub.

Yeah I recently posted some issues as well . it happens (also thankyou @dennypage for responding!!). Things tend to get buried quickly these days..

So for your Aeotec Smart Switch 6 - on the C-7 with my recessed door sensor 6 I found I was forced to pair it S0 which failed - I mean it paired but was not responsive so I took my Z-Stick and paired the sensor to the HE. This actually worked out great... I am not sure if this would be the same for the C-5 but if you have a Z-Stick or equivalent you might want to give it a shot.

edit: you pair the Z-stick with the hub as a secondary controller by using the Z-Wave PC Controller Software from SiLabs. Then you include your problematic device via the software. It should then show up in HE... NOTE: this does NOT work for S2 devices as I found out.

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