Received my C-8 Pro today and used the guide to migrate from my C-5 to C-8 Pro. Everything migrated over fine but the migrated Z-Wave network nodes are non-responsive. Zigbee seems to be doing just fine. I have tried the following:
Reboot C-8 Pro - No Luck
Z-Wave Repair - No Luck
Add New Z-Wave Device to Test C-8 Pro Radio - Success for new Node only
C-5 is still shutdown as required in the procedure. I can go back to it whenever if needed. so I am patient with this issue, just looking to resolve.
I don't mind troubleshooting a Day 1 purchase. It's the chance we take being an early adopter!
I can see a list of all of the nodes. The topology map looks right too, but there is no communication happening with the exception being the new test node I added. Here is a pic of the topo map:
I don't see a specific place or node for the z-wave radio itself info in Settings > Z-Wave Details for any other detail. If this were a Zigbee network, I would say I was on the wrong channel but it isn't.
The only other thing I can think of is if the Z-Wave network ID did not transfer to the new hub correctly, then it would not be able to communicate with the old devices. I don't see a way to see that network ID in the UI though.
I was thinking along the same line as I know I have different ID's running on 2 other hubs right now and I have a test dongle I used to use to do updates to devices from the Silicon Labs software.
How are you powering it? I had the strangest ZWave issues with a C8 while using a POE splitter, while there was never a problem powering earlier models with POE. See e.g. here: C8, Z-wave, a tale that took too long to solve (PoE Noise)
Thanks for the suggestion, I have tried that already though without luck. I think that wouldn't resolve the issue since I can add new nodes via Z-Wave Inclusion just fine, it's the migrated nodes that still remain orphaned.
Thanks, but I am not interested in attempting that unless it’s a last resort. I have 30+ lightbulbs I would have to work on in fixtures around the house that are difficult to get access to and also to enroll. I can wait until the Hubitat staff respond or correct the issue. I have time to wait it out since I early adopted today .
Haha. Thx. I figure there is risk with early adoption. I could easily turn off the C-8 Pro and turn the C-5 back on. Also, a couple of days without automation isn’t so bad. I still have light switches that turn on the lights when I press them (Thanks to Z-Wave Associations between the Smart Switches and the Bulbs). Plus, if I can help get a fix done so the next person migrates without error, I am willing to help.
Happy Monday…if there is such a thing! Just waiting to see if another C-5 to C-8 Pro migration has the same issue or for support to respond in this thread. Is there any other official way to submit a support ticket request?
AFAIK HE staff is working on C8-Pro migration issues as we type and want to get an update out ASAP. I don't think it will do anything to add a support ticket at this point.