C-5 Hub frequently dropping off network

I was really hoping that changing the DHCP lease time would somehow fix my issue, but my Hubitat hub died in the same way yesterday, after about 14 days. I don't think it's being overloaded or running out of memory (remember, only 3 lights + 1 fan) especially since freeOSMemory was holding at around 460kb a few days before the crash.

How do I go about getting some official support from the company?


If your C-5 is still under warranty, submit a warranty claim.

For those who are following, it died again yesterday after around a day and a half of uptime. Changing the DHCP lease time doesn't seem to help and the previous 14 day run was unrelated.

I bought this device near the end of 2019 so I know there's no warranty left, but I'm a bit disappointed that nobody from the company chimed in and offered any help on something that seems like a device issue. I'll try directly messaging the support team and see if I get a reply.

You can still go through the warranty page and that will get the attention of staff and they can look at the engineering logs.

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You’ve used a ~$100 device for ~4 years, under unknown conditions, and expect input from the manufacturer when it apparently malfunctions 4 years later?

I’ve had a $2000 television that went belly up in about that length of without anticipating any assistance from the manufacturer.

These are consumable electronics; and it is for this reason that Hubitat offers a warranty subscription.

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I guess you and I have different expectations for our devices. I expect something like this to work for much longer than four years (never mind that the problem started at year three). I wouldn't accept a TV going bad in that short of a time and I guess I've been lucky that nothing I've bought ever inexplicably broke.

Honestly all I want is somebody to look at the mysterious engineering logs and see if there's any hints at what's going on. I've put in a warranty request but it doesn't seem very hopeful since there's no text field for me to explain the situation.

Once your case is reviewed, if Hubitat support requires additional information, they will send you an email so you can provide more details (if the engineering log alone doesn't show any obvious issues with your hub). Either way, you can expect an answer within a few days.

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