C-4 / C-5 / C-7 Hubs - free memory decline over time

What is SA? Ever since I updated to 2.2.5 a couple weeks ago my hub has been really slow. I'm gonna try removing my scenes and see how it goes.

Likely the Simple Automations app.


Yea simple automation

What are you saying about Simple Automation?
Is this a good reason to go with Basic Rules?

Basic rule wasn't available at the time of test SA is better than groups and scenes

FYI, I swapped my C4 for a C5 (literally moved z stick over and restore backup; thanks for the device @JasonJoel). Only things needing adjusting/reinstalling was cloud apps like Alexa and any of my scripts that call cloud URL’s (the urls are device specific). I also added 2 chatty devices and apps (HEM v2’s and influxdb app), but the C5 device is still very responsive. Memory is low now, but pages load immediately - on C4 they would take >5 secs at this memory level.

I’d you’re on the fence about C4 stability issues, I’d recommend trying migration to a C5 (using C4 stick). I blame the issues on CPU throttling due to heat (my C4 runs at 180) and 64bit JVM.

(Moved over on 10th)


Are you able to add new devices? When I tried that I had issues but I did not fully troubleshoot just switched over to the internal chipset as I had a few hubs lying around. In fact my setup now is C-7 for Z-Wave, C-5 for Zigbee and C-4 for cloud only apps. All hubs talk to Homebridge and Node-RED as I consider them local "companion" servers.

Oh great. Now I have to dig up a device and try to add it. Thanks @erktrek :grimacing:

EDIT: I seem to be OK, unless S2 devices have issues. No way I'm unpairing a lock and re-pairing it now :). I also have another C5 device that I will probably move my HEMv2's to. Also have a C7, but it's unopened as I don't need any of those features, just couldn't turn down the spring deal. Like you, I plan on making my C4 device a LAN-only or Cloud-only hub, but putting in a location that gets better cooling.

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Okay that is cool thanks for testing that!! I am not sure what I did wrong back then I wonder if it was trying to change Zigbee channels or something - there was some system config I could not change due to the external stick overriding the internal one.. but am happy with my current configuration so all good.

With the Hub Information driver, I was able to see the effects of memory decline on one of my C-5 hubs. It went from 5-6% cpu usage to a constant 22-25% and the hub’s temperature went up to 122 degrees constantly from 102. I hadn’t seen any slowdowns yet, but rebooting brought the cpu usage and temps back down to previous levels. @gopher.ny is this something that is being looked at?
BTW, this is one the latest firmware.


I'm on a C-4 and I'm seeing the memory decline as well. I've rebooted several times for one reason or another over the last month, not related to slowdowns(Illustrated by the peaks in the graph). I have no time lately and haven't even attempted to look at anything other than the graph, watching the memory. Both device and app stats look OK, no red numbers. That's about my extent on reading it. I finally hit an unreachable hub yesterday morning when I woke up. I was on .6.137 at the time and then upgraded to the latest. It was up for 9 days before it went down. When I get some time I'm going to start disabling community apps and whatever's associated with them to see if one or some may be an issue. I'm also going back to weekly reboots.

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For me it was 17 days since my last hub update/reboot. The telltale sign was the cpu usage spiked from average 4-6% to 22-25% that I’m assuming was increased garbage collection/freeing up memory. If only the hub had another gig of memory….

I haven't looked at CPU usage but I forgot about the heat(related?). @brianwilson pointed out his findings and my temps peak daily at about 194F. Right now my hub is 167F with an ambient temp of 69. It is vertical and free standing. Same place it has always been. I have 2 temps sensors near it and the ambient temp runs from about 68 to 72 this time of year. But, I haven't had any real slowdowns. Just the crash. I use Hub Watchdog and the numbers are fine. The last readings before the crash the other day were
Virtual 04-27 01:29 - 0.172, Zigbee 04-27 00:30 - 0.363, Zwave 04-26 23:59 - 0.258
The only oddity there is Zigbee is usually faster than Zwave but those numbers are miniscule. That aside though, it would appear to be a memory issue. I was in the UI the day before and didn't notice that it was slow or sluggish.

My hub watchdog numbers had actually gotten faster. I mostly rebooted to see if it was a memory issue causing the CPU usage and temp increase. I figured that a reboot would fix it if it was. I think I would start to twitch if my hub temp was 194F.

I'm on day 18 running my C4 stick on my C5 (only 11 days shown on graph because I'm now graphing the data out of Hub Information device vs. old way). No GUI slowdowns, memory is decreasing but it's dropped below 150k and didn't seem to impact anything. No CPU spikes that I can tell. If I was still running the same devices and stick on my C4, it would have crashed several days ago.

Only thing "new" on my C5 is the Hub Information driver as I was afraid the device was too "chatty" to put on my C4. But I'd rather graph the data from the Hubt information device via Maker-API/node-red and account for the "time" to get the information vs. querying URL's on the hub itself which doesn't account for load and such. Perhaps that's not a valid argument since Hub information is doing just that...

And my top apps for reference.

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Curious, how are you measuring the temperature? Is there a hub command or are your measurements external?

I have a C7 and admittedly there is not much load on the hub, but:

  • My ambient is 70°F and the bottom of the hub is ~ 84°F.
  • My hub is horizontal on a shelf. The top of the hub is cooler as expected.

I don't care if it catches on fire. As long as it puts itself out and keeps working. :upside_down_face:


What @672southmain posted. But there is a line command for it. Sorry, don't know it off the top of my head but it's in the forums somewhere. Following many threads the C7 runs considerably cooler.


I’ve only used the Hub Info driver.

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