Buttons for colour temperature

I'm trying to use my Ikea 5 button remote (E1810) to control my bulbs. I can make button 1 turn it on and off, and buttons 2 and 3 to adjust the brightness, but I can't figure out how to make buttons 4 and 5 adjust the colour temperature up and down, from a cool white to a warm white. I'm a novice, so I might need some step-by-step advice. I tried change colour temperature over time, but it had no effect at all.

Hi, I've struggled with the ikea buttons regards colour changing but eventually came up with a solution. Hopefully someone else will have a better and slicker idea, however, see my my way of toggling through the colours. NB you can add more else if's for more colours l.

My rule works flawlessly with the Somrig and Rodret buttons double button, however I found the 4 way buttons to be temperamental. YMMV dependant on driver and rule configuration :slight_smile:

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It's pretty easy with the ABC Button Controller.

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