Button override

i have a rule that is working fine at the moment for zemismart curtain. but now i have added a second one in my room and coz i need to go asleep early (5pm, i start at 1am) so i need to somehow make the "Darrens Room" not reopen if a button is pressed. at the moment i have got a separate button to close the front room curtains and it also pauses the rule to stop it from opening and closing constantly. im hoping someone cant help. im a little lost it has taken me a while to get to this level (i think its pretty complex lol)

any sugestions please

Remove "Darren's Curtain" from the Raise Shades action and have a separate rule about how they should raise?

I have read this multiple times, and I guess I don't get the question exactly. Maybe it is just me though.
