Button Controller: error after pushing a button (Hubitat

Please open a tab in your browser with Logs, and do the step above again. It will provide better error information for us to track down.

Thanks, I'll do that now and post.

Below is the only event that occured.

Yeah, this is a bug. Will be fixed in the next release.

As a work-around, do that one button in Rule Machine for now.

Thanks for verifying. I'll wait. I already have it setup in BC 3.0 so it's working. Just wanted to switch over so my rooms with 2 Pico's in them only needed one rule.

There was a bug with this that was fixed. Are you on the latest?

Yes, I'm on Was at the bottom of my first post.

I'm now on and not sure if this bug was supposed to be fixed but I still have the same issue. I am moving things over to my new C-7 which is also on and as expected it's having the same issue with BC 3.1. So still getting the same "Unexpected Error" when I attempt to use "Adjust these Dimmers".

@bravenel I am on and still have the same exact problem as before. It's the same issue as @lelynch describes, but I am not using a Pico remote. It's the same issue as the original post. I took your advice and I am using RM for now.

Yes, how many times do I have to say it: Adjust Dimmers has a bug. It will get fixed, but it has not been fixed yet. Use an individual button rule in RM to work around it.

Sorry, not looking for you to repeat yourself but I have updated since that and didn't know if it was fixed in the later release.

It will be in the release notes when it is fixed.

I apologize, but your post leads me to believe that you thought that this issue was resolved. It isn't. I am not rushing you to fix this. I posted that I am using your work around. I was only trying to help. I get that you are stressed, but.....


The final response to my initial report confused me a bit also as you didn't reply back after stating I was on the version asked. Apologize if you feel harassed. It's not my intent. I do read the notes before installing but unless I am missing something, they don't change between minor updates. I guess you are meaning the notes in the community announcement.

OK, found this bug. There were two bugs, one was fixed before, but this one was missed. This will be in the 2.2.3 release.


Thank you! Again I apologize if you felt harassed about it.

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There was another thread regarding this which you probably didn’t see

Should have asked for this to be merged into that thread but I didn’t realize it was a different thread :slightly_frowning_face:

Thanks, I did see this but it describes a different error than I had. I didn't have an issue with only a single button or with cloning. I only had issues when attempting to use "Adjust Dimmer". Anything else I tried worked on any button and I've had no issues cloning.

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That’s the only issue I had as well. It’s at the end of the thread though.

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