I ported my rules from Rule Machine Legacy to Rule Machine, and I am not getting notifications through my Sonos speakers. Here is one of the rules from Rule Machine (same as in Legacy) that is not working:
I know the logic is correct, as this same logic worked in Rule Machine Legacy. The Inovelli Dimmer Switch LEDs change to Red, and the Mode is being set to away. But no TTS.
This particular rule is supposed to say "Security System is Armed" when the alarm is armed. Here is the event log from (A2->H2) ADT Armed Away:
- switch on (A2->H2) ADT Armed Away: switch is on DEVICE physical 2021-11-01 06:49:36.017 AM EDT
The corresponding event log from one of the speakers is:
trackData {"audioSource":"Unknown","station":null,"name":"Front Door is Locked","artist":"Hubitat","album":"TTS","trackNumber":"1","status":"stopped","level":"50","mute":"unmuted","uri":"","trackUri":"","transportUri":"","enqueuedUri":"","metaData":" Door is LockedHubitatTTSobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack","trackMetaData":" Door is LockedHubitatTTSobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack"} DEVICE 2021-11-01 06:55:44.627 AM EDT
trackData {"audioSource":"Unknown","station":null,"name":"Front Door is Locked","artist":"Hubitat","album":"TTS","trackNumber":"1","status":"stopped","level":"50","mute":"unmuted","uri":"","trackUri":"","transportUri":"","enqueuedUri":"","metaData":"http:\/\/\/tts\/19dec768fcdc41c9f86842172b47a5a8.mp3<\/res><\/r:streamContent><\/r:radioShowMd>Front Door is Locked<\/dc:title>Hubitat<\/dc:creator>TTS<\/upnp:album>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack<\/upnp:class><\/item><\/DIDL-Lite>","trackMetaData":"http:\/\/\/tts\/19dec768fcdc41c9f86842172b47a5a8.mp3<\/res><\/r:streamContent><\/r:radioShowMd>Front Door is Locked<\/dc:title>Hubitat<\/dc:creator>TTS<\/upnp:album>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack<\/upnp:class><\/item><\/DIDL-Lite>"} DEVICE 2021-11-01 06:55:44.271 AM EDT
Two things:
- I hear nothing
- The tracking is showing "Front Door is Locked"...this actually plays (properly) through a WebCore piston that is running...and only plays this when the front door changes between locked and unlocked
So - strange behavior, no sound, and wrong track.
Additionally, when I look into the logs for these Sonos speakers, they are being spammed with this same this about every 20 minutes after. It's too large to post.