I've had the VLD set up for quite some time to activate lights at sunset when the HE is in AWAY mode. This used to work just fine but a while (maybe six months) ago it stopped working reliably. Mostly, nothing happens - no lights come on. I would try rebooting the hub and sometimes that would help, but not reliably,
The other day on a whim I changed it to turn on the lights at a specific time rather than at sunset. That was the only change,. And now it works. So, it seems that the sunset event is no longer being handled properly.
The HE is fully up to date. I've also checked the hub settings. It has the correct local time, the time displayed for sunset is correct, etc. I can see the sunset event recorded in the log, but the VLD no longer seems to respond to that. But it does respond correctly now that I have the lights turn on at 7:45pm.
So, it's not a huge issue as there is a reasonable workaround, but something, somewhere is broken.