[Bug Report] [v2.3.7.145] Cloning a rule does not update the local variables

I have a rule that references a contact sensor 'Front Door Sensor'. The rule contains the following local variables:

%device% Device Front Door Sensor
%text% Text Front Door Sensor contact became open

I cloned the rule. The new rule is for the 'Back Door Sensor'. However, the local variables on the new rule still reference the Front Door Sensor even though I changed the trigger to the Back Door Sensor.

If you mean %device% and %text%, the only variables in your example, this is normal and expected. They are based on trigger events. Changing the trigger device won't do anything per se until the rule triggers again (where "triggers" also means an actual trigger, not a Run Rule Actions or similar method).

So, after your clone, they are still set to whatever they were last, just like they are any other time. In this case, it just happens to be the values from the last time the original/cloned rule triggered.


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