[BUG REPORT] Multi-button Tile Sends Multiple Presses In IOS

Apologies if this is in the wrong place, but I think I've run across a bug. I have a button controller with 6 buttons defined and mapped to a tile in EZ dashboard. If I press one of the dashboard buttons via my mobile (IOS), the logs record two button press events in quick succession. Browsing to the dash board via my laptop and clicking on the same button, I only get one.

The issue appears to be IOS itself, as I get the same behavior from the browser on the phone outside the mobile app, and also appears to browser independent as Chrome and Safari yield the same result.

Chrome/Firefox on Linux and MacOS work as expected.

So I don't think this is a hubitat issue, but wanted to post in case anyone else runs across it - focus your rage toward Cupertino.

Noted, will try to reproduce. We may have to create some sort of a workaround...

One other bit of observation - the issue manifests itself when the button controller has simple mode enabled in custom settings. Disabling and using "regular" (touch the button and get a popup to pick push/x2 push/long/release) works as expected.