[BUG or DESIGN] runInMillis data from componentOn fails in App


This might be a bug, or perhaps as designed (in which case docs could be updated to warn of this behaviour).

I'm seeing a case whereby if you use a runInMillis within the child's context of an Apps componentMethods (ie componentOn) then the optional data: "value" passed to the runInMillis method is set to null... the same example works fine in a Driver parent/child context.

An example code snippet...

def componentOn(cd) {
        def value = 1000
       runInMillis(500, 'delayedMethod',[data: value])

def delayedMethod(value) {
    _debug(value) // << this is null

EDIT: My original guess was probably wrong.

Here's a driver that seems to implement the required structure: Hubitat/LazyRolls.groovy at master · yix/Hubitat · GitHub

Correct. Works for me in a DRIVER too.

Doesn’t work within an App with children drivers.

Ah, my mistake. That is indeed weird.

@mike.maxwell or @bravenel any chance you can confirm/deny this bug?

I will look into it.

All of this code works from an app using a child component switch:

void componentOn(cd){
  log.trace "on called..."
  //also works
  def value = 1000
  runInMillis(500, 'someMethod',[data: value])
  //runInMillis(500, 'someMethod',[data: "on"])

void componentOff(cd){
  log.trace "off called..."
  //also works
  def value = 500
  runInMillis(500, 'someMethod',[data: value])
  //runInMillis(500, 'someMethod',[data: "off"])
void someMethod(value) {
  log.debug "someMethod(${value})"
//also works
//void someMethod(data) {
//    log.debug "someMethod(${data})"
//also works
//void someMethod(yada) {
//    log.debug "someMethod(${yada})"

maybe something to do with your _debug(value) method?

Thank you Mike - I'm now unable to reproduce the bug myself either :confounded:

Very annoying as I played around with this for hours and hours, but didn't go as far as writing a test app... so I've lost the scenario that wasn't working. Your effort here has me going back to the approach I used before that required the use of runInMillis, and now it works :scream: ... so not sure what caused the loss of data being sent to the method... must of been something I missed.

Apologies but thanks again for persisting and looking into it... :+1:

I'll try not and cry wolf in future and have test cases for quirky bugs like this.

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