Bug? Homekit Intergration is blank

I was trying to add some virtual switches on Hubitat to do some testing in Homekit.

Four mode switches appeared in Homekit which I have no idea where it came from so I thought maybe it came from the new zigbee thermostat do I removed it from Homekit integration which got rid of those four switches.

I went into thr zigbee thermostat device management to look over the setting and I was going to add it back into Homekit. I normally add and remove devices using Homekit App but I happened to notice a Homekit toggle switch in the Zigbee Thermostat device page and toggled it on thinking it would put it back in but nothing happened.

I went to the Homekit App and the page is now blank page. I restart hubitat hoping it will fix it but no luck it still blank page.

I have lot of devices on Homekit so please don’t tell me I need to remove Homekit App and reinstall to start all over again.


I restored Hubitat from my yesterday backup and Homekit App is now loading showing all my integrated devices.

I believe there a bug with Homekit toggle switch in device management page or whatever it called.

Scary moment there …..

You possibly had the option Export mode switch enabled.

It was not enabled. I don’t know what that switch do anyway so I don’t use it or enable it.