[BUG] [] Can't edit Room Light app instance (steps to repro) [C7]

I can repro the following problem 100%. Only way to recover is to import an exported copy of the RL instance, or restore a backup.

  • Room Light instance with time periods set.
  • Go into the time periods edit page, then click on a time period
  • Close browser tab
  • Return to the app instance in a new tab : rule edition is irretrievably broken (but it still works! lights are still automated)


I am aware of warnings not to navigate away from RL or RM pages in this manner; however the few times this has happened to me was on the mobile app, where my fat fingers or foggy brain caused me to hit "Done" at the top of the screen inadvertently.

I have copies of the original and broken JSON exports, if that can be useful.

To be more precise, click on a time period time setting, then close the browser tab.

Tested and still present on

@bravenel is this something worth fixing ? The automation appears to continue to function normally, seems like only the UI state becomes invalid.

I think this particular one can be fixed. You can do it yourself by exporting the Room Lights instance, and editing the json file. Remove this:


Where xxx is whatever period you had clicked on. Then import that instance using Settings / Restore App.

Fix in next release.


Fixed when clicking on the time period name, still broken if clicked on the time period time

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OK, there are a class of such failures. Next release will fix all of them, I think.


Tested on .141 and both of those I was aware of are fixed, thanks.