This goes by many brand names like BTF-LIGHTING, TUYA, and TUNICHX, but they all have C03Z on the on the box for this particular RGB controller:
They have other contollers where the number in the model is the number of lines it controls like C04Z for Zigbee RGBW and
There are some topics on here for other TUYA devices, but none of them are the LED controllers. They also sell a bridge/gateway which I hope I won't need.
The Hub (C8) will find the device and "connect/pair" to it, but it's completely uncontrollable after that (no color, no on/off, nothing). I've tried a few different branded drivers in the Hubitat device configuration, and no matter what I do, it will not actually work. And yes, I hit the Configure button after each change or on each add/remove. I don't have it connected at the moment, but I can try to get details from it if someone has a clue if this is actually controllable by the C8.
I have been using the 5-in-1 controller and have had no problems at all with my C-8. It just seemed logical to me that I use a multi-strip capable controller, regardless of location in the house and what's connected to it. The type of light strip is easy to configure with a button press on the module. It's a little more expensive though.
Hmm, not that expensive either. I'll have to try that instead and see if it will work with my strips (I mean it should it looks configurable which is nice). Thanks for the tip.
[EDIT] No dice, at least not for the generic zigbee RGB controller. I'm going to try a few other devices, but this isn't looking any better with the 5 color controller. @ddalder What device type did you use? This is the TS0505B (Man: _TZB210_tmi0rihb)
UPDATE: The TS0505Bwill work on the C7 hub (after changing the Zigbee channel to be different from the C8 hub that I also have) using the Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb driver, although for whatever reason, if I choose the pure color Blue, the result has a small amount of Red in it. But it does work.
The other unit, C03Z will NOT pair at all with the C7, likely because of the Zigbee 3.0 radio on the unit that the C7 can't interact with. So I have a C03Z that I still can't use. I haven't tried the driver from another thread, the Tuya Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb by @kkossev on the C03Z on the C8, as I had already deleted it before I saw that other thread. I'll have to revisit this in the future.
Did you ever find a solution? I have a LM052 on my c8 pro and after finding and adding the Zigbee device, it’s completely unresponsive. My graph never seems to see the device either - my “pilot lamp” LED on the 5 in 1 also turns red… no idea what that means.
Nope - sent the first module back and tried another like model by a different company - but that one I can’t even find or see with my Hubitat at all. I tried following the instructions that said to power it on and off (from the outlet) five times, and the light strip blinked three times indicating it was factory reset, but my Hubitat never finds it in pairing mode.
I want to upgrade my magic home controllers to something more robust and long lasting since they keep frying one of the pins (black char marks) and I don’t like thinking of electrical fires.
I cannot seem to find something that is rbgcct and Hubitat native or compatible. At least not at a price point I’m willing to swallow. I’ve got a dozen or more magic home strips - and would like to stay all on the same type of controller when I upgrade for standardization and feature set. But I can’t seem to find something reliable.