[Broken] MyQ Lite Application

Sorry, I probably should have been clearer; I meant the garage general lighting, not the light on the opener. Regardless, the Zooz ZW+ siren will do nicely :slight_smile:


Any update on finding a work around from HE or ST as of now? hope someone working on it

We know how to fix it, but there is a problem with implementing the fix. There are details upthread a bit.

I would not expect this to get fixed any time soon. I would advise finding an alternative way to control the door. There are threads about how to do so, this being one. Local Control Options for MyQ Garage Door Openers


Ok just so I have this right...

-Chamberlain changed their API which broke the MyQ Lite app in smartthings.
-The Hubitat app is a port of that so it's also broken.
-The dev for MQL fixed it in ST, but the dev who ported it to HE doesn't like the ST devs implementation and so has handed it over to HE devs to fix the backend token part first
-The HE devs are saying don't hold your breath, so we should buy other devices/relays and make those work instead?

Doesn't this complicate the whole thing and make more expense for people when really the dirty ST solution could be ported and implemented in the meantime until the proper HE token support is there?

*Not a dev or trying to be pushy ... just trying to understand the situation and justify more add-ons

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Unfortunately that is one of the issues when we rely on reverse engineered, community projects. When it breaks you are at the mercy of the community.

I've seen over the years where dev's have moved on and left projects that had users highly invested. Its just the way things are.

This is the 3rd time something like this has happend that I've seen over the years with MyQ... trying to find another solution now may just be the best option to prevent having to deal with this next time it happens.

I swear the MyQ people do it on purpose and watch the forums the day after.


I am surely not a coder, so I can only go by my interpretation of things, but I read that as the Hubitat developer isn't comfortable having a 3rd party server set up just to make MyQ work. And if that is the case, frankly I'm not comfortable putting my door opener credentials on some server that isn't controlled by me.

I don't think they said that? But they didn't imply they would or could fix that redirect issue either. Last I saw, they didn't say anything at all. Maybe they are working on it, maybe not.

To me, the point of Hubitat is that it is local. MyQ was great while it worked, but cloud based. It isn't worth the hassle to deal with the cloud based crap when for $50 or less in new devices, and an hour of time, you have complete control.


@joshskin The dev shouldn't have to shell out for a 3rd party server just to get something to work (afterall, he's not getting paid for it) That said, this is not the dev's fault. This is also a consequence of relying on something that is cloud based. HE overall is meant to be local control. The fact that in some cases it can control cloud based things is simply a bonus. How many times have people bought iot devices that have stopped working because the company server went down, or they simply went out of business? While it may be frustrating for the end user, again that's what happens when you rely on cloud based stuff. So yes, buying a relay, a switch, and a tilt sensor will get you back to HE integration as well give you full local control.



What @rlithgow1 wrote, with one addition. The MyQ cloud integration is particularly undesirable because there is no official published API from Chamberlain; all these integrations (ST, HE, HA, HomeKit) are reverse engineered from mobile apps.

Further, Chamberlain has repeatedly indicated their dissatisfaction with these reverse engineered integrations by making minor, ludicrous changes that break the integrations. On one occasion, they changed the login prompt from “username:” to “Username:”. That change to their API provided ZERO additional functionality. It was done solely to break unofficial third-party integrations.

If that is their attitude, why not use the opportunity to become cloud independent? There are simple solutions that utilize your existing GDO hardware, and will never break, even if Chamberlain changes their API a few times a week.


MyQ does not have and never has an official integration, there is no logo on their box, the dev did us a favor for a long time.. I got my HE to get off the cloud, and I moved on to a better solution where I never have to rely on them.


Not that this will add much, but I'll spend my 2 cents. I have been running the unofficial MyQ application since I setup HE (only about 1.5 years) I added the local tilt sensors to my 2 doors and all was good with the world. In actual operation, I never open or closed the doors via HE. I did keep track of the door status via the local sensors. I'll be adding local control of the doors via a relay and again, all things will be right with the world.

I want to thank the devs that built the app for trying to hang in there to keep the app running through Chamberlains stupid API changes. I was prepared to have this happen and it simply reinforces the need to keep control local.


I am just going to throw out there, just incase there are people who are not aware. I have fixed this issue for myself with 2 totally different options. 1. IFTTT still works with MyQ for closing only, I created a virtual Garage Door and used that in ifttt to close the door, works fine also works in Alexa.

  1. if you have Home Assistant MyQ is loaded by an integration and is fully functional. You can use it in Alexa. And I also created a Virtual Garage Door in HE and used Maker API to push that to Home Assistant. I then created rules in HA to make the real myq and the HE virtual GD in sync.

So for anybody that does not want to deal with Hardware changes there is always more than 1 way to skin a cat. In fact here are 2, lol.

For me doing it this way was almost seamless. All I had to do was replace my MyQ Lite Device with the V GD in all my rules and automations. It works in all apps, including ActionTiles and sharptools.

This is also a 100% free option as all you need to do is download and setup Home Assistant (I just use it as a companion to HE, when HE can't do something 95% chance HA will)

I know this is not for everybody, but hoping a few people find it useful!!!

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I will probably eventually go the relay route, but have other priorities right now, so I'm using HomeBridge and Node Red (both of which I have setup for other reasons) with HE to give me open/close control and notification. Setup is fairly simple, and it works with all of the automations I had in place by simply changing the device...

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@Jasonrwise77 : I really like the idea. My only problem is the monthly fee for IFTTT if you have more than 2-3 routines. I was using IFTTT and MyQ in place of Tilt Sensors 18 months ago but IFTTT had about a week outage and still charging (I know it's not much).

I use both SmartThings and Hubitat for my Home Automation. The SmartThings integration is back up and running and now both ST and HE feed into Action Tiles which is the main method I have given to my wife for her access to home Automation (lights, security, Garage Doors. So I'm good for now but still eventually seeking to get off of ST Platform. The total local option is great but purchase of the gear to give me what I want is around $50 a door.

Thanks for the advice.

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How? IFTTT does not give an option to "open" - only to close.


My apologies, you are correct. I have been messing with this for a week and got them confused. That is why I ended up using Home assistant, I will correct my post.

FYI: the ST app upon which this is based has found a solution. I don't know how hard it is to port to HE -- I was going to take a look at the diffs momentarily.

There are elements of this "solution" that are... well, let's say undesirable for a community developer to support in the long term - these have already been discussed earlier in this thread.

But the bigger issue is that this solution is just yet another band-aid on the ongoing problem of this type of access/capability being not at all sanctioned or even just tacitly tolerated by Chamberlain/MyQ. That's why there's never been official support for it (just community apps).

It's a simple matter of time before Chamberlain/MyQ purposefully does something to break this solution too - they always do. Why put up with it? Just move on to a local solution instead.


Yup I've taken all your responses to my note and have ordered a zooz relay. I have an unused remote that I'll solder the leads on and set it up to work with that as well since I have a B970c with Security+ 2.0

Thanks all


I think it's clear that there's a local solution. But I already have the MyQ opener and don't feel the need to add yet another controller to this. The last edition of the code worked fine for quite some time, and I don't depend on this -- it's just handy to integrate with HE as well as my alarm and MyQ app.

I was looking for where the discussion had addressed the solution implemented here, but couldn't find it amongst the clanging gongs of "just go local".

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You’re right, we (I’m guilty as well) have diverted this thread from the developer’s intended purpose. Maybe @bobbyD could help us out and split this into 2 threads one for support of the app, and one to discuss alternatives (may already be at least one of those).

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