Broadlink IR/RF remotes integration (RM3 Mini, RM Pro, RM4 Mini/Pro)

Not sure about the hex code stuff, as I don't have any experience there, but have you combed through Tom's readme file?

Using a command as RM trigger seems possible via the Custom Attribute trigger option. Worst case, you could always leverage a virtual switch.

AFAIK, Broadlink does not have any capability to receive commands (beyond learning purposes, that is).

I was afraid of that..... too bad!
I have tried the RM trigger using the attribute function but I was trying to use an IR code received by the Broadlink, and since it does not have that capability, that option is out...

Tom's readme doesn't go into much detail on the hex code importing, at least that is what I read in the readme. I am guessing that it needs more detail other than just the hex code.

If Tom can help with the hex stuff, I'm sure he will - he may just be busy with the holiday weekend and all. Or hopefully a fellow hex user may be able to chime in sooner than later!

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That would be helpful! I can wait as I have other things to take care of first.

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That looks like a Pronto code. You have to import them using my Broadlink System Manager app (which is mentioned briefly in the readme :wink: ).

Once you import them into the app, you need to sync them out to the virtual device where you want to use them.

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That worked GREAT!
Just needed to make sure that the code name is case sensitive too!

I have been playing with the broadlink system manager and the broadlink app, and have had GREAT success!!!
Thank you for this app!
Questions though...

  1. what is the difference between Send Saved Code and Send STORED Code when used in a RM rule?
  2. When I import Pronto hex strings into Manager and save them with a name, the name does indicate in the list of commands in Broadlink app, but there is nothing in the log when they are sent?
    Should there be a name of the hex string that was sent, in the log as well?
    They are listed in the state variables, but are not in the logs when sent.

Thanks so much for all your help :+1:


sendSavedCode and SendStoredCode are basically the same. I recommend sendSavedCode for any new users - the other command is only there for legacy compatibility reasons.

You need to enable debug logging on each virtual device if you want to see Logs traffic when a code is sent.

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I have and the sent data is in the log, but there is no name like "TV on=xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx..."
only "xxxx xxxx xxxx..." string is listed in the log.
NOT a big deal but it would be nice is the command that was sent was also named.

I'm lost.. I was able to get the blinds to work in this, and saved them, but how do i get them as buttons or Devices? When I look at it in Home kit, then bridge only brings in Temp/Humidity (which just say 0), but not my blinds..

This integartion doesn't create any corresponding "end" devices (like blinds, fans, TV etc), it just enables the ability to send IR/RF codes.

If you want to have a represenation of the end device (blinds in this case) in a dashboard or dashboard-based buttons to use for commands, you could create corresponding virtual devices (virtual buttons or switches, virtual blind) to leverage for that sort of depiction.

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Hopping on an old thread to get some ideas. This isn’t an app issue. Or an integration issue. More of a trouble shooting question to see if I can solve a problem with the remote and codes.

I’ve installed the app. Works great.
I have 2 of the mini splits configured with schedules and can control from a dashboard. That’s pretty much all I need for those 2.

Recently the landlord had to install a new AC in the bedroom. Same brand ( don’t recall it at the moment. An Asian brand as we’re in Malaysia ). But this one seems to react differently.
With the other 2, an off command turns off and and the on command sets to a specific temp, fan speed and turns on.
When I captured the same temp, fan speed on and off codes on the new one , it seems to be more of a toggle. An on command will turn on. When I send the same command it’ll also turn off.
With this unit I’m trying to use a couple of temp sensors to turn this unit on and off automatically to keep a regulated temp in the bedroom.
I tried to use a few rules to turn on and off but because the same code toggles - if the unit misses a command or if it sends more than one ( based on a temp
Based rule ) then the unit has toggled the wrong way.

I was wondering if there was any thoughts on how truly test how this damn remote works ?
I contacted the manufacturer. They offered no help on trying to determine how their remote actually works.

Is there an easy way to determine what codes are actually being sent based on different commands and then compare ? I tried to copy and paste in a spreadsheet but it I’m not certain which codes were which.

Not a big deal but would love to sort if I can. These damn remotes ( even with the new unit ) are useless. Regardless of the temp I set on the hand held remote it seems to me that the unit is either on or off. I’ve never heard it cut out and if I set it to 20c at night I’ll wake up in the morning with icycles on my head!

Anyway. Appreciate any thoughts how to see how this POS mini split actually works.


I have a small portable unit I run in my shop office. The unit was pretty old and the remote was trashed. I could only get on and off to work. I can't adjust temp. I only want to keep the office under 80f(27c). The unit defaults to 76 every time it is turned on.

So I have a external sensors in the room and just turn the thing on and off when it gets to the temp I want. I created a virtual thermostat and it seems to work pretty well. I also have a smart plug on it so I can check the power draw.

If nothing else you should be able to make sure it gets turned on and off if the temp gets too cold.


A contact sensor could possibly be added to the output vanes (assuming that these close when off). It could be used in a RM rule to ensure the on/off commands were correctly received.

Note that when I purchased my current mini-split and told the installer that I would be turning it on and off, he warned me that turning it from cold to off could result in the formation of mold in my unit due to the accumulation of water on the coils.

He recommended ensuring that I it was always let to dry a bit before turning on, by setting it to heat for a bit, or fan for a longer period. I have mine set to fan for 30 minutes every time I turn it off.

Sorry if ive posted this before....i have 2 accounts - could be on the other one.
This is more of a troubleshooting question about the mini split vs the application but looking for some ideas on how to approach.
I have multiple broad link blasters and have 2 of them working perfectly. Recently the landlord changed out one to a newer model...and sadly this one seems to operate differently.

The brand of all of the mini splits is Daiken. I ruched out the company for help but they will not provide any information on how the remotes work - or what commands they send for different actions.

With the 2 that are working - there seems to be a different code for on and off. With the new one - it seems more like a toggle.

the reason im trying to figure this out is that no matter what temp i select on the hand held remote - the unit never cycles on and off. If i set it to 22C - i'll wake up in the morning with icicles on my head! So ive been toying with an automation that uses the temp from a zigbee device to turn it on or off based on the temp.
But because it seems to be a toggle - it's not a very effective rule. If the controller sends more than one off command ( or more than one on command ( as the temp may hover above or below the set points - then it seems to change the state and do the exact opposite to what im trying to accomplish.

My question. Is there an easy means to compare the learned command commands of the different codes im trying to capture? seeing if indeed its truly a different command?

i know things show up in th blogs but i tried to copy and paste into excel but no luck.

again - not an HE problem - and not an integration problem but would certainly appreciate any thoughts on how to sort.
Thanks in advance

Yup - post 613 above…

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@PaulHibbert, in case you need a great Broadlink integration - this is it!


Hi @tomw

We have a problem installing HPM.