Broadlink IR/RF remotes integration (RM3 Mini, RM Pro, RM4 Mini/Pro)

Hi Tom, the Broadlink / Bestcon RM4C Pro works perfectly!
just add it to the broadlink app, unlock and your driver works :smiley:


So I am trying to get the hubitat to communicate with the broadlink. I entered the IP address but the status says "device is locked in Broadlink app." I closed out the app and even tried to delete the device from the app, but cant seem to get it to say anything except initializing or locked. Help please

This is all based on iOS, so I'm not sure if Android is different. In the BL app's main page, click on the Broadlink device (mine are in the "Gateway" section) to open its device page.

There, click the ellipsis icon in upper right, and go to "Property" in its menu... That'll open another details page -- the "Lock device" option is at the bottom of that page. That option must be unchecked for this integration to work.

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Ok. I did that. Now it says "initializing". What should i do now?

Try pressing "Initialize" again on the device page - that usually shakes it loose.

Thanks Hydro311.

I managed to create and save a few codes and see them in the system manager app. Now what i am trying to do is use the virtual device and new codes in some basic rules but i cant seem to find my device under any of the tabs. What am i doing wrong?

If you mean "Basic Rules" the app, I'm not sure how or if it works -- I don't use that app, so I'm not familiar with it.

In Rule Machine, the selection goes like this.

Thats very helpful. Thanks. Enough for tonight. I am sure i will be on with more questions tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well I finally got this working exactly the way that i wanted for about two days. It was working through the hubitat and voice controlled through alexa. However, today the voice control is still working but the hubitat portion is not. The remainder of the rule will run, just not the actuator part.
Any ideas?

Does it still work from the device page? Enable debug logging on the virtual device and try a command on the virtual device page. Does it work, and if not does anything shows up in the Logs?

I can't get anything to work on the device page either. Nothing in logs as far as I can tell. When I physically toggle the switch or ask Alexa to toggle the switch, I don't see the light come on the rm4 mini device, so no IR code is going out. If I instead ask Alexa to specifically control the device (not toggling the switch as many things are supposed to happen when the switch is toggled) the light on the rm4 comes on and it works properly.
It was all seemlessly working yesterday. The only thing that happened today, was the power went out for 30 seconds.
I have also tried deleting the broadlink remote and manager and reinstalling it. I have not yet just deleted the device and started all over.

Also just adding everything that I see on the device page:

  • devDetails : {devType=21014, authKey=A48E00C26A65611FF24C998C806EF378, isLocked=0, name=Universal Remote, callback=sendCodeResponse, id=1, mac=E8165625F732}
  • codes : {Light On=2600580000011F8F13121312131213121311141212131311133513341334133513341235123613341235141114331312121412121334131214121234141114341235133414111334130004EA0001204712000BF50001204613000D050000000000000000000000000000EBF8C41A317ED91ACC10414B6DEEBE50, Light Off=2600580000011F9013111312131312131212131213121312123514341235133413351334123514341235121214341312121312131334121312121335131213341434123513111335130004EA00011F4812000BF40001214614000D0500000000000000000000000000000B84E34F3E51D7349F643CEECDA0C8DE}
  • count : 129

Is your Alexa connection to Broadlink set up independently / outside of Hubitat?

During the power outage, did your Broadlink device grab a new IP?

Thanks for the help. My IP address had changed but this did not fix the issue. I removed everything and reinstalled and now it works fine.

Another question for you. I an an inovelli blue switch that controls three zigbee lights and the broadlink device. The lights are bound and turn on immediately when i flip the switch. The broadlink is delayed in reaction even though I have no delays on. Is there any way to make the reaction faster. I have tried moving the Hubitat closer but this did not seem to change anything.

You should consider DHCP reservations on your router for (at least) your home automation stuff (BroadLink, Hubitat itself, etc) -- that way, those IP addresses won't change unexpectedly when your router resets.

I very much doubt it -- a cloud-based automation will never match the speed of a local automation, especially if the local one is a direct binding or direct association.

That won't help in this case.

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Which one is cloud based in this setup? I am not familiar with the blue switch, but the Broadlink integration is local LAN.

@user6477, please post your automation logic so we can look for clues on the delay.

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Ope, good call, that's my bad. I was thinking API in that moment for some reason, but I do know better.

Seeing the automation setup would be helpful... Direct binding with a Blue is about as fast as anything can get, but a local automation fired at the same time shouldn't yield a very noticeable difference.

This is how I have setup the rule. Unfortunately, there is a pretty noticeable delay between the two actions. Seemed like it was better before I was having all of the problems from yesterday.

Which switch are you using as the trigger for that rule? Open up its virtual device page, and try to observe how quickly its state changes to 'on' when you toggle it physically. Is it very quick, or is there some lag?

Thanks @tomw

I am using the Inovelli Blue switch in smart bulb mode with no dimmer (ON/OFF only). The blue should be the same as the red series except that it is zigbee and not z wave.

The device seems to be responding fairly quickly and so do the attached bulbs. The only "slow" component is the IR signal being sent out. It is about 1 second delay.