Brand new Hubitat C8 won't turn on

When my Hubitat C8 arrived, I plugged it into power and the blue LED came on. After a moment I realized I forgot to plug the Ethernet cable into my switch so I unplugged the power, plugged in the Ethernet cable to my switch, and plugged the power back in. When I re-applied power, the LED did not come on. I have since tried multiple things including using different USB-C cables and power supplies. No matter what I do, I cannot get the device to power on. Is there anything else I can try?

I've already found this thread which mentions the same problem but the solution for their issue did not work for me.

I've seen a few people around the forum mention problems with the USB port and possibly cold solder joint issues. I haven't opened up my hub to check and reflow the USB port because I don't want to void any warranty in case I need to RMA but I am extremely comfortable doing so if it doesn't affect my ability to RMA if needed.

Edit 2:
I've pressed the reset button underneath with The Master Key of Doom (paperclip) since I have no config to lose but no change in status.

Sorry for your bad experience. Contact support (@support_team) for a return and replacement.

Cold joints were only in the C7 and remedied later on.
I think you just unplugged the power while it was mid-boot, maybe looking for DHCP.
Most likely just a reset via the reset paper clip. :slight_smile:

Warranty Claim

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