Bluetooth Sensor

I made a bluetooth sensor that reports to Hubitat. Here's the Github repo. Please note that iPhone devices do not work with this as Apple disables any sort of scanning unless it is running in the foreground. This also happens to be the reason I will likely not keep this repository updated (my partner loves her iPhones). For those who use Androids, please let me know what you think! The main program to run this is below. Please note that I'm also not a python programmer. I used python because I was planning to run this on a raspberry pi.

import bluetooth
import datetime
import json
from peewee import *
import requests
import sched
import sys
import time

from datetime import timedelta
from sqlite3 import Error

db = SqliteDatabase("./scanner-status.db", pragmas={'foreign_keys': 1})
s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)

class BaseModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        database = db

class Hubitat(BaseModel):
    id = AutoField()
    hubitat_ip = CharField()
    cloud_auth = CharField(null=True)
    maker_api = CharField()
    access_token = CharField()

class Device(BaseModel):
    device_id = CharField(primary_key=True)
    mac_address = CharField()
    name = CharField()

class Status(BaseModel):
    id = AutoField()
    device = ForeignKeyField(Device, backref='statuses', unique=True)
    last_update = DateTimeField(

def main():
    db.create_tables([Hubitat, Device, Status])

    hubitat = Hubitat.create(
        hubitat_ip="",  # hubitat IP
        cloud_auth="",  # hubitat cloud auth string. Leave blank if using local connection
        maker_api="",  # hubitat maker api
        access_token=""  # hubitat access token. found after ?access_token

    if hubitat.cloud_auth is None and hubitat.cloud_auth.strip() != "":
        url = hubitat.hubitat_ip + "/apps/api/" + hubitat.maker_api + \
              "/devices/all?access_token=" + hubitat.access_token
        url = hubitat.hubitat_ip + "/api/" + hubitat.cloud_auth + "/apps/" + \
              hubitat.maker_api + "/devices/all?access_token=" + hubitat.access_token

    data = send_request(url)
    now =

    for device in data:
        id = device.get("id")
        device_query = == id)
        if "type" in device:
            if device.get("type") == "Virtual Phone Presence Plus" and not device_query.exists():
                    mac_address=device.get("attributes", {}).get("BluetoothMacAddress"),
                print (device.get("name"), "was inserted into db")

    nearby_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices()
    for device in, Status).join(Status, attr='status'):
        if device.mac_address.upper().strip() in nearby_devices:
            is_nearby = True
            is_nearby = False
        cloud_status = get_cloud_status(device.device_id, hubitat)
        if is_nearby:
            device.status.last_update = str(now)
            print (device.status.last_update)
        if is_nearby != cloud_status:
            if is_nearby:
                print("turning " + + " on.")
                if hubitat.cloud_auth is None or hubitat.cloud_auth.strip() == "":
                    new_url = hubitat.hubitat_ip + "/apps/api/" + hubitat.maker_api + "/devices/" + \
                        device.device_id + "/on?access_token=" + hubitat.access_token
                    new_url = hubitat.hubitat_ip + "/api/" + hubitat.cloud_auth + "/apps/" + \
                        hubitat.maker_api + "/devices/" + device.device_id + "/on/?access_token=" + hubitat.access_token
                print ("sending request: " + new_url)
            elif is_five_min_ago_plus(device.device_id):
                print("turning " + + " off.")
                if hubitat.cloud_auth is None or hubitat.cloud_auth.strip() == "":
                    new_url = hubitat.hubitat_ip + "/api/" + hubitat.cloud_auth + "/apps/" + hubitat.maker_api + \
                        "/devices/" + device.device_id + "/off/?access_token=" + hubitat.access_token
                    new_url = hubitat.hubitat_ip + "/api/" + hubitat.cloud_auth + "/apps/" + \
                        hubitat.maker_api + "/devices/" + device.device_id + \
                        "/off/?access_token=" + hubitat.access_token
                print ("sending request: " + new_url)
    print ("connection to db closed")
    s.enter(30, 1, main())

# Sends request to Hubitat and returns response
def send_request(url):
        r = requests.get(url)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print ("Hubitat update failed. Trying again")
    if not r.status_code ==
        now =
        print(now), "Hubitat update failed with status code ", r.status_code
        if int(r.status_code) == '500':
            print(now), "Is this really a Virutal Switch?"
        return r.json()

# Gets the current status of device from Hubitat
def get_cloud_status(device_id, hubitat):
    if hubitat.cloud_auth is None or hubitat.cloud_auth.strip() == "":
        url = hubitat.hubitat_ip + "/apps/api/" + hubitat.maker_api + "/devices/" + \
              device_id + "?access_token=" + hubitat.access_token
        url = hubitat.hubitat_ip + "/api/" + hubitat.cloud_auth + "/apps/" + \
              hubitat.maker_api + "/devices/" + device_id + "?access_token=" + hubitat.access_token

    data = send_request(url)
    value = data.get('attributes', {})[2].get('currentValue')
    return value

# Checks if timestamp is less than 5 minutes ago
def is_five_min_ago_plus(device_id):
    timestamp = Status.get(Status.device_id == device_id).last_update
    five_min_ago = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=-5)
    return timestamp >= five_min_ago

if __name__ == '__main__':

Could this be used on a Raspberry Pi?

Hmmm......I wonder.....

Yes, it was made to work on a RPi. If you look at the repo, there are specific instructions on how to install the dependencies as well. I haven't tested those commands exactly, but... I'm about 99% positive it will work.

If you missed the other part of my rambles though, this doesn't work with an iPhone.

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I've never worked with the BLE on an RPi so I have a couple of questions if you don't mind...
What's the range (approximately)?
Is it constant scanning or is there a timeout between being in range and it reporting to HE that it is detected?


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So the range will really depend on if you add anything onto your raspberry pi. I live in an apartment that is around 1000 sq ft. and it seemed to be able to pick up my android from anywhere without anything attached to it when i originally tested it. I did notice it didn't ALWAYS pick up more than like... 20 feet away and through a wall, but it was fairly good. If you're worried about range, there are some better adapters on Amazon (I found one for $30 that can cover up to 60 feet).

The scanning isn't constant. I have a 30 second "sleep" period. I forgot to remove a print line that says that it disconnected from the Sqlite you can see how often it runs if you watch it for a few seconds. I think if you want it to run continuously, you'd have to use bluetooth low energy and I had a REALLY hard time getting the dependencies for that installed...You could definitely give it a go if you wanted though!

When it says "Hubitat Maker API", what is it looking for? The full link? The app number?

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you - The Maker API is the 3 digit number. In the local URL, it's after /apps/api/. In the Cloud URL, it's after /apps/