Black Friday sales [November 2023 Edition]

I just bought myself a C-8.



I concur. And there are some great community drivers for them to control advanced functions.


Black Friday deals on 3 of the Dream Machines (Pro, SE & Wall)


Black Friday 2021_email_800x800_2



20% off Tempest WX station

EDIT: As an aside, the general lack of chatter over BF & CM deals has me wondering.

  • Is it the economy?

  • Is it sales-saturation thing where we're just tired of the hype?

  • Is it that "one-weekend-of-deals" is a bust now that the offering window is protracted.

  • OR OR.....are most of the "deals" just not a DEAL anymore.

EDIT 2: Never mind, the news says we're all buying up the deals :thinking: :thinking:

Amazon has the Aqara FP2 on sale for 25% off, or US$62.24.

Yowser, ""Time restricted offer"" these "gray" Ikea blinds are now well discounted.

EDIT: Just was reviewing the reviews on these. Seems there's alotta - "oooh are these cool" which leads into...."oh, it would've been nice if they LASTED!!!" I hate when good concepts go fallow with poor reliability.

I really really really (really) want these for our bedroom but wife is strongly against, especially after all the months of Zigbee problems I had on the C8 until that finally settled. Burned up so much WAF. :frowning:

I'm going to be near our Ikea today so I probably will go in and fondle them a little... :wink:


If you like these buttons, which FINALLY SEEM TO WORK thanks to firmware improvements AND Community Driver efforts, seems like Ikea might be retiring them.


Thanks for the pointer. I haven't looked at those in ages due to big battery problems even when they did (sort of) work. Have the battery issues been cured?

I've migrated to using Aqara buttons mostly in the last year or two.

I'm going to have to search around for the updated opinion on whether the firmware addressed this. I do see the negative comments to this effect on the Ikea site. Could be why they're being retired.

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These are $1 less and have 6 "buttons" and use 2xAAA.

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