Better Laundry Monitor no seeing Hubconnect power sensors

I am user all my user code to a separate hub and sharing devices with hubconnect. I installed better laundry monitor and share the appropriate devices over to the dev hub. In devices they are there and are showing energy but not power. Is this why they are not showing up in the laundry app? Is there a hubconnect driver that shows power?

I use a pair of Aeon SmartSwitch6 for my washer and gas dryer. I use the HubConnect DomeAeon Driver. For my Dryer, I'm seeing:

Screen Shot 2020-03-15 at 9.33.20 AM

on the Server Hub. (The Sync button and the version are both 'tells' for HubConnect drivers.)

Inside BLM I can see both:

Screen Shot 2020-03-15 at 9.44.28 AM

I just recently moved the washer outlet to a new hub and haven't run a load of wash since. Unless there's a change to an Attribute, it doesn't get output into EventSocket, and thus there's nothing to 'hear' on the Server side.

Screen Shot 2020-03-15 at 9.46.19 AM

Yet it still shows up in BLM's Selector.

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