[BETA RELEASE] LockShare - Simply share access to smart locks with complete control

Hi Everyone,

I have been working away for some time on a hubitat app and companion Android App that allow you and your family, guests, service workers etc to easily access your smart locks on your android device.

How it Works:
Install the app from Hubitat Package Manager, you can search for LockShare (Or manually from here: GitHub - eliotstocker/hubitat-lockshare: Hubitat server for LockSha.re)

Once you have installed the top level app, add a new LocksShare user for each person you want to have access to your locks, once you have added a user you can define further access control like specific times on specific days for access

Each LocksShare will have a unique URL which allows a device to install the profile (don't worry if the user doesn't have the LockShare android app installed, the link will tell them how to get it), you can also share by QR code if you're into that type of thing!

Mostly for the convenience of we who live in smart homes I've also gone ahead and added home screen widgets to allow easy access to lock and unlock doors from your home screen :slight_smile:

A Couple of Screenshots from The App

Id be very interested in getting feedback on how this works for people, and how things might work better.

please reply in thread, tweet at me, post in github issues and/or all of the above.

For some more info check out the quick little site I've put together: https://locksha.re/

Disclaimer (its free open source software after all)
Whilst we make every effort to add security measures where-ever possible, it is important to be aware that the purpose of the application is to share direct access to control your locks, this may mean that in the case of any security breach your physical location could be at risk, we do not store or interact with your locks in any way, all software is installed directly on your smart hub and the users mobile devices, LockShare and its developers can not accept any responsibility for any unauthorised access to your smart hub, lock devices or physical location. The software is provided as is with no guarantee or license.


This is brilliant. Well done.

Is the source for the mobile app available too?

This is super cool!
I don't have a need for this right now, but I imagine I will in the future. Very very cool.

Future feature request would be iOS support (or even documentation for how someone could roll this into a "Shortcut" or something else, doesn't need to be a full app.

@SoundersDude an iOS version is definitely on the cards, unfortunately I think it would need to be more than a shortcut sure to some of the security stuff that needs implementing. Either way it's mostly just a bit of a pain that I'd have to pay apple £89 a year for the privilege haha

Not quite yet, but I promise I'll get it up on GitHub when I do the full v1 release

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would definitely love an ios port of the app

+1 for IOS. Perhaps something could be implemented through the Hubitat app?

  • another +1 for iOS

Is there an easy way to add multiple schedules for a single user?
i.e. Every 14 days, or once a month.

Very handy app, thanks for your efforts. :smiley:

Any word yet on an IOS version?

Very nice way to share access. I have been playing around with it today and noticed a couple things that I have questions about. It appears that the app user can control the lock from anywhere and doesn’t have to be near the lock. While that is handy functionality for the lock owner it might not be desirable to have shared users with this capability. I also wonder if there could be a setting to have locks automatically lock after being unlocked for a specific period of time? Having the ability share only while in certain modes would also be very handy (excluding night, for example). Are these additional functions on the radar?

I am looking forward to using this more when the scheduling is fully implemented.