[BETA] ratgdo driver (w/ MQTT firmware)

I noticed once i looked at the explorer and pressed each button the states all populated. it appears that you need to change each state at least once before it shows up.

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@john66public that's probably because your ratgo isn't wired in, otherwise it would have already sent status to the MQTT brokers which the driver would have picked up.

so this only works with mqtt? does this work with homekit or wifi fireware?

That's correct. I don't believe the Homekit or ESPHome firmware have documented and easy to use external APIs I could access the device with and get status updates from. Note that I don't just need to query but it would need to push status updates to the habitat as well in some fashion.

I believe the ESPHome integration is possible but rather complex. You might want to try the ESPHome Hubitat integration and report. It seems to have support for Garage Doors.

I understand the MQTT firmware requires a specific MQTT broker and not everyone has a homelab PC or Pie it can run out and the idea of depending on a cloud-based broker for this automation is not appealing but that's the only way I know of, right now.

I ended-up going that direction myself. It works well, but doesn’t have any of the neat functionality that the MQTT driver has. It can open and close. It can also let Hubitat know when the door is opening, open, closing, and closed. That’s about it with the current community ESPHome driver.

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Ive hit the initialize and the states are there now. I wired up the device.
If i press the door opener button on the wall it opens and closes as it should. If i put something in the way the door stops closing.

If i press the virutal buttons in HE nothing happens. I have the MQTT explorer open and every vitual button i press shows up in the explorer instantly. There was one time the door opened from the virtual button in HE.

In the photo the red and white wire on the left of the ratdgo is the door switch. the red and white wire on the right is the obstruction sensor.

any ideas what to check?

I did get it to open a second time. i pressed refresh and the door opened.

also i notice that when i press buttons the light on the ratgdo blinks

i moved the HE to 10 feet away. so it cant be RF

Did you try the diagnostic steps described above, sending the commands directly via MQTT explorer? I want to make sure it’s not a wiring issue first, especially since it seems the driver is working correctly.

Please also take a screenshot of both the ratgdo web configuration and the driver configuration (topics and such).

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 8.37.27 AM

I did publish commands from the explorer. nothing happened.

I would think if it was a wiring issue the physical buttons and obstruction sensor wouldn't work since they go through the ratdgo now.

Your wiring looks ok. Mine has two obstruction sensors cables and the button, but that shouldn't prevent the door from opening via the soft button in Hubitat. Try restarting your MQTT node, then the ratdgo and finally the Hubitat. Your Current States looks like it might be missing some detail compared to mine (but it could be what your opener supports).

that didnt change anything. i do see those states changing in the explorer

would it be safe to assume that if the physical button and the obstruction sensor work correctly that it is wired correctly.

does it make a difference that the missing states are located under homeassistant?

Details from my MQTT Explorer sesssion:

The lower half of my ratgdo page:

Config looks good, guessing it’s a device or wiring issue. If the mqtt commands don’t work, the problem isn’t with the driver.

I have a second device. I just plugged it in and configured it and i get the same results. this one is not wired to a door yet.

im using this process to flash


Not sure what you mean by the same results since your problem is that MQTT commands are not triggering the door to open. How can you tell with the second one since it’s not wired?

To be clear, you have to do this on a wired ratgdo and confirm your door opens:

publish in MQTT Explorer

topic: ratgdo/ratgdo-8229/command/door the message open (RAW)

Replace ratgdo-8229`` with your device name (Device Name & Web Config Username``` in the ratgdo web UI)

Verify that the MQTT Topic Prefix is set to ratgdo/

Then send the command open. Does the door open?

I connected the second device and i stlll get the same results. i doubt its a bad board.