[BETA] jCal - Agenda View for iCal Calendars on dashboard

Based on the great driver by @mark.cockcroft which reads iCal from the internet for your dashboard...I started modifying this to my needs.

What is has:

  • Smallest HTML I can make to allow for most content on a Tile
  • Supports mulitple iCal's
  • Separate "Today" row header
  • Separate "Tomorrow" row header
  • Ability to hide "Private Appointment" 's from displaying
  • CSS-able HTML Table (see pic)

What's broken, not working, or planned for later:

  • Repeating Appointments (this is a PITA but I will get it done)
  • Appointment Colors based on which iCal it came from
  • Dynamic Character count so it never goes over tile-character limit.
  • Lots of code cleanup and error checking
  • ???

Download Driver Code Here:
JeremyGNJ/HE-jCal (github.com)





I'm not big on AI...but I'm also not big on Groovy! LOL especially when you cant really pull in 3rd party libraries.

So...On my lunchbreak ChatGPT REALLY accelerated me fixing the recurring appointment issue. So I should have that corrected tonight or tomorrow night.

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