[BETA] Hubitat Package Manager

There are only 3 scenarios where that error is displayed:

  1. The username and password are incorrect
  2. The hub does not have hub security enabled, but you enabled it in HPM
  3. Some other error occurred

If it was #3 though there will be a log line that begins with "Error logging in:"

So if you don't see that in the logs, and you've confirmed #1 and #2 aren't the issue, then I'm stumped at this point.

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Do you actually have hub security turned on?


Verified 1.2,3 also removed firewall. same problem.
I then disabled the local security, removed the app, reinstalled without security....
I got the SAME error message. perhaps there is a problem with the install (used url method with github raw file). can try a different one.
I'm now going to reboot the device...

After reboot, no security, I tried using a different browser and it worked!
Now I want to add security again. I see an option in the package settings and will do it there.
Not sure if it was the reboot or the browser cookies ...
I'm good for now. Thanks !!!

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Glad it's working but that's super confusing why that would fix it.

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I hear you. kinda wish i tried the same browser first but the repos are all loaded so can't really reproduce and don't want to!
Anyone with similar issues - try reboot or cookie clear i guess!
Thanks again @dman2306 now it is time to actually use the app ... :slight_smile:

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I haven't found anything valuable from a [Release] viewpoint for Libraries. I'd use it locally for development, but during the packaging phase, I'd duplicate the libraries within the App or Driver.

Bundles, yea, I have found those useful. And there's Library support from within a Bundle, so perhaps that's the way to manage both. HPM supports Bundles and ignores Libraries.... let Bundles handle Libraries.


Can’t make bundles work even if I wanted to. No way to upload zip files from groovy. But for several reasons, I don’t have plans to add bundle support.


Anyone have any good sample app/drivers using libraries? It'd be helpful if I had some real world stuff I could test with.


I was assuming you'd simply submit the URL to the hub and let the hub do the heavy lifting:

Screen Shot 2021-12-04 at 12.40.15 PM

Isn't it just a submit with a couple values?

Maybe. Not sure. As I mentioned though I have no plans to support bundles as it does not make sense for HPM. They’re two different things that serve different purposes.

Hello, I do not know if this is a "good" sample, which would be subjective, but this is my sample (I do not use Libraries at this time because HPM does not yet support it):

I own an app that I recently updated to rely on another file.

However, since HPM does not support libraries (yet), I just amalgamated my app code with the other file I needed: https://github.com/akhandok/adhanPlayer/blob/4.0/app.groovy#L300

If libraries were possible, I would break these up into the app.groovy for the Hubitat app code and the library that I need for computations/helpers.

Suggestion for UI:

Every time I go to update a managed package, this confuses me.

The "Update" button makes me think I'm commanding HPM to perform the update of the checked items above.

I think a better label for the button would be "Refresh" or "Check for Updates".

The "Next" button by Hubitat should really be called "Update".

That’s part of Hubitat, not part of HPM so I can’t really do anything about it unfortunately.

You will not see this unless you have screen reader support turned on under Settings. If you are using the point-and-click GUI, you should turn this feature off.

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I'm using the Hubitat Android app to access the hub remotely. The screen reader setting is turned off. The button is there.

I get that, what I meant to say was "Hubitat should really allow app developers to customize the overall workflow buttons to reflect the action being performed". "NEXT" and "DONE" are often not reflective of the actions being implied.

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Odd, I wonder if you've discovered a bug. The screenshot suggests the setting is effectively being applied, even if it's not on. Maybe try turning it on and back off, or accessing thr web page directly without the app? Not a big deal if you don't care, I guess...

I turned it on and then off again. Going back into HPM/update gave me a drop down list instead of the checkboxes and "update" button. That fixed it!

I still say the "update" button should be relabeled though. I get that from that local list of checkbox items the button is a "update this list" but when the overall task is to update drivers or apps, it's confusing. It's the little things...

You’re the third person I’ve seen reporting issues where the hub ii settings don’t seem to have saved. I’m wondering if there is a bug in the new muatCommitUi setting that was recently added in 2.3.0.