[BETA] Hubitat Package Manager

The problem with reviewing package references for manual changes is that you still won't know about what was done and used in all previous code versions.

Imagine telling a developer to go back afterwards to comment on everything they did in the past. :wink:

You are still better off deleting the apps, drivers and associated devices and adding them back through HPM and setting them up again.

As an ex programmer/analyst we had tools to fix one-off issues with apps or DB's.
That was on a large scale so I get that this app isn't made by IBM or Oracle :wink:
Just updated Webcore and it still insists on trying to install the Storage module.
I'll backup HE/WC, delete the code and let HPM start from fresh to clear it's brain.

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Just an observation.
Does it matter if it loads it?
It is a small file and doesn't do anything unless you decide to use it.

Just a thought, if you select Modify the Package, do you have the option of unselecting the Storage module? If not, it may be that the manifest provided by the developer (of webCoRE) has the module listed as required instead of optional.

I'm so confused by the implied symbiotic relationship, or lack thereof, between dev and the company. It makes one hesitant to pick up on third party product for fear of potential HE disregard that complicates life for you guys or outright breaks what you build.

Guess I’m confused by your confusion... HE gives us the freedom to develop additional capabilities, but like every platform I’ve ever worked on, if you go beyond the official API your code is not supported by the platform team, and you risk having your code broken at some future date if the API changes.

The developer has found an undocumented (read unsupported) method for accomplishing the tasks in his application. If at some future point the method(s) become part of the official API, then the developer could ask for, and would receive support; given that the methods aren’t part of the official API you can’t fault the HE team for the “no comment” response.

The HE team is aware of this application, and seemingly appreciate the benefits to the platform (which are huge BTW), so I would expect that they will go out of their way not to break the code, but if it comes down to the viability of an application vs the viabilty of the platform the choice should be obivous.


Forgive me. I come from the day before "API" was even a term.

From my perspective you are either seen to be encouraging great third party efforts that benefit you as a company and cottle them towards conformity, you meet them halfway, or you discourage them because you can't manage or keep up with them and fear the risks to your user base.

Not saying this applies to every development that comes up...just saying there are some really creative & driven people in this community giving free ideas, time, energy, and copious proof of concepts to this small company that would otherwise cost them millions in overhead.

They ought to have a point person that caters to this where it is merited; I suspect recent steps to clarify dev relationships are steps in this direction.

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Quite a few of us on here.

Think you will find that the community is valued by the HE team, and that several of the well known (I’d say respected, but... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) community developers are members of the platform beta teams, but pushing the envelope (going beyond the official API) means that you’re in uncharted territory for the platform. As a developer in that situation you can either blaze a trail and hope it’s not a deadend, or you retreat back to edge of the known world.


Fair enough.

@dman2306 - I was thinking it would be nice to trigger the nightly reboot of my HE hub directly after the package manager update process is completed. Is there a way to do this already (perhaps using notifications...?) or would you consider adding a reference to a switch that could be turned on when the update is completed, regardless of whether any updates were applied?


No, it doesn't matter it just bugs me that after an update it say Failed. :wink:
Error Occurred During Installation
An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to upgrade app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imnotbob/webCoRE/hubitat-patches/smartapps/ady624/webcore-storage.src/webcore-storage.groovy.

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I have tried that multiple times, select the component and expect the app to uninstall if it finds it's present or install if it finds it's not there but it seems to just try installing. It's not a binary toggle.

Ha! :slight_smile: , I should change my handle to PaperTapePgmr :wink:

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A young whipper snapper ye be !

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Blast from the past

This thread needs an order of Depends more than we realized... :wink:

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#@@^% whippersnappers.....:rofl::joy::rofl:


Not just yet.
But don't make us laugh too hard.

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I tried to uninstall an app today and it failed.

Uninstall in progress
Your uninstall is currently in progress... Please wait...
Uninstalling Hub Watchdog
Uninstalling Hub Watchdog Child
Uninstalling Hub Watchdog Examiner Child
Uninstalling Hub Watchdog Driver
Fatal error occurred, rolling back

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:13.440 errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'apps' on null object on line 2633 (performUninstall)

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:12.865 infoFatal error occurred, rolling back

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:12.619 infoUninstalling Hub Watchdog Driver

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:12.563 infoUninstalling Hub Watchdog Examiner Child

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:12.560 errorError retrieving app source: groovyx.net.http.ResponseParseException: Server Error

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:12.347 infoUninstalling Hub Watchdog Child

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:12.344 errorError retrieving app source: groovyx.net.http.ResponseParseException: Server Error

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:12.057 infoUninstalling Hub Watchdog

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:12.054 errorError retrieving app source: groovyx.net.http.ResponseParseException: Server Error

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:11.759 debugPerforming uninstall

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:09.408 debugprefPkgUninstallConfirm

app:2232021-02-16 08:43:02.676 debugprefPkgUninstall

I went to use the package manage today and it is not functioning in any way that I can tell. Can't remove it either. I am not a guru, but I can't remove the Package Manager whatever I do, lol. I click the red remove button on the status page, and it asks me if I'm sure, and click yes, nothing happens. Last I used it, it worked fine.