[BETA] Hubitat Package Manager


This is awesome.....how do we convince other package devs to add theirs?

bribes work sometimes


Ask (BEG) them to please add their apps to this. Some developers are reluctant, but it sure does make things easier for us users, and makes it easy to find and try new things.

And for complicated or complex packages where you have a combo of apps and drivers or multiple parent/child apps that all need to be installed, it almost certainly must help the developer to not have to repeatedly help people doing that incorrectly and getting errors. Also, you can pretty much automatically alert users that there are updates available and if a user chooses things automatically can update. Again, that surely must make it better for developers?


Just used this for the 1st time.......what a benefit to technically challenged people like me!
Awesome application...thanks from all of us that like simplified interfaces!


Just started using this. This is an awesome addition. Thanks for your work.


It certainly idiot-proofs the process.

Even for those who >can< figure it out, it makes it a snap!!


I was wondering that a while back if as users we could do this. I can't remember now who it was that I was thinking should have their stuff in HPM.

So what happens if the author either doesn't want to or isn't around to add this to their GitHub? Would you be able to "self host" the package manifest on a users personal GitHub)? And that would probably make it not available for others either. Or could people share the manifest somehow?

Too many questions!

If the author "doesn't want to", then everyone should respect their decision and not try to backdoor the app into HPM. On the other hand, if the author "isn't around" then why would you want to put abandoned code into HPM? :man_shrugging:

In my opinion, no one should try to put someone else's code into HPM. It's up to each individual developer to do what they want with their code.


You are absolutely correct. And I am not advocating that people do so. I was more thinking out loud than anything. I probably couldn't figure out how to do it if I tried. :laughing:

But in a way, that is part of my question. What if someone goes and does this against the author's wishes? Could it be made to work somehow? What prevents this from happening?

Hubigraphs is about to try loading text files! Get ready!

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I think I have everything ready. Quick question: with the file+id, does that mean I need to reference the JS with the "long" name. i.e. the code "...script src="/local/WeatherTile.js ..." becomes "...script src="/local/3f7ffb28-f248-40c3-8489-113f9eebc4a1-WeatherTile.js ... ?


I got a feature request. In your settings you have a blanket toggle for pre-releases/beta code. Is it possible to make that per repo instead? Not everyone will want to use all repos that have beta packages.


I am having problem with package manager I tried to install hubigraphs getting Failed to install file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tchoward/Hubitat/master/HubiGraph.js.

Could you please include the logs?

Did repair on HPM then everything worked thanks to another member in weather tile thread. Thank you for responding but its working great now.

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Dominick @dman2306 , this is simply a FYI, not reproducible:

Today I went to install Package Explorer by Bryan Turcotte (@bptworld), not realizing that I had already previously downloaded the code but hadn’t installed. Before doing that, having seen recent postings in this thread, I did a Repair on HPM even though HPM wasn’t throwing any errors. Just to check operation, I then did an Update and then a Match, and everything went fine. I then used HPM to Install, Search by Keywords for Explorer. After spinning a bit I got the error shown in the attached log screenshot.

Log Screenshot

Error is on top line, below that, the Match, then the top of end of the update:

I then tried again, searching for Package Explorer, got results, no error. So, it’s transient, probably nothing done wrong in your code.

If it matters, C-5 running, no issues.

Thanks Brian, figured if I read down far enough someone would post the obvious for newbies like me.

Loving this app! Updated my self installed apps for me!

Donation sent.

New HE user here. I setup the hub and installed HPM first so I could use it to manage apps and drivers. After setup, I enabled login security for the hub. After this, I found that the function HPM stopped working and it took me awhile to remember there was something for this in the HPM settings.

The problem is that in HPM, everything indicated that it was working as expected; I got no errors and the logs showed new apps and devices were being installed and HPM added it to the installed list, but when I went to look at the Apps code or Driver code i didn't find the new items.
Is it possible to detect this condition and send some message to the user so they know they need to go into the package manager settings and configure Hub security?