[BETA] Dynamic Image Switcher --> for dynamic dashboard background

Same one I'm using but I still can't re-create the issue to troubleshoot. What hub and hub firmware version are you using?

I am on a C-7, Platform Version

Strange. Only difference from my setup is I'm on C5. Not sure why it's working fine for me but not you. I posted on the forum to see if anyone has ideas...

Thank you for continuing to chase it. Is there a flag somewhere I can manually toggle to make it show up in the list?

No. I mean, I can make it show up for you by being over-inclusive in what types of devices show up, but then if someone selects a non-OWM device it's not going to work right... will do that I guess if we can't figure out a solution soon.

I never got anywhere with figuring out the issue. This weekend I’ll change it to where it’ll definitely show up. Ping me if I forget!

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@Barry Latest version 1.9 allows you to choose the Open Weather Map device from among any devices that have the "Sensor" capability. That should address the issue you've been having.

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Thanks Justin! Worked like a champ. Feel free to change it back if the other worked for everyone else.

Hey @JustinL I noticed today that my image didn't update this morning the only thing in the logs is this. I'm not sure if the below error is even related. I also tried changing my default image when not a holiday and it wouldn't change (like it's cached and I can't clear it)

Thank you for any insight you or anyone else may have.

App 4753 2022-01-01 09:55:08.266 PMerrorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'year' on null object on line 1373 (method updated)

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