Look forward to trying it when update on HPM.
Really appreciate. Thx
Look forward to trying it when update on HPM.
Really appreciate. Thx
In case anyone is curious the excel formula to convert the timestamp to something excel can use is (Assuming your timestamp is in cell A2):
After the changes to the header, sometimes 2 records are written out instead of one. I have the app set output 1 record. I believe before the header change I had no double records.
edit: by changes I mean when I selected option to suppress the header
Bloody edge case
Fix is up.
I don't see update so I will try repair. thx
Takes a couple minutes for github to make the manifest available. Acquistion should be at v0.0.8 if you are successful.
I grabbed the files from your site. Fix took care of the multiple records. I am a happy camper. Then I tried the notification devices. It works great. So far I have been able to send multiple devices to one notification tile like I had setup before. You are a brilliant man!!
Should you decide to add a pause option. I would want to pause both the csv and notifications together. Again, my purpose is to duplicate what I have setup currently - pause when power out or reboot/restores.
Thank you so much
Try the disable/enable
That's not going to work for me. Its currently automated.
Still a great app with many uses besides your intended design. I'll probably restore back and continue to use RM to make it work.
Though manual disable won't work for my needs, I did test selecting disable and pressing done. It did not disable the output. There was no change. Thanks for your effort.
Just occurred to me that I set that as a preference not a state..... I'll have a fix up in a few minutes.
Edit: Fix in v0.0.0.9 of Acquisition. Pkg v24.07.03.01
My testing showed disable now suppresses csv and notification.
If/when it supports disable via RM Boolean, I'll happily retest. I've reverted back to my code.
take care
Enjoy the 4th!
I was able to modify and passthrough my Global Boolean variable and use it in place of appDisable.
Everything is working well.
Enjoy the 4th!
If you want to play with some visualizations of the CSV data I had a few minutes and threw together an app utilizing the chart.js library (thanks to @dandanache for the inspiration):
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thebearmay/hubitat/main/apps/csvVisual.groovy (should show up in HPM shortly)
When first installed, the app will have a button to install the chart.js library from my github. The process will take several minutes - the button will be removed when the download has completed.
Data sets with attribute values that are reasonably close in scale graph best, i.e. don't expect a good graph if you're using freememory and cpuPct.
Thread for the app: [BETA]CSV Visualization
I will take a look at your new app.
So happy with your Device Attribute app and thinking of new things to do with it.
I want to test which notification devices are select ed using my Boolean variable. Example: I have two devices in the list and want to prevent one of them from loading devices based on Boolean true or false.
Here is your code I believe handles notifications, what changes need to be made? Haven't been successful yet. If you have time.
Inside of the each loop you could add a test on the boolean and a device property, i.e. it.id, it.label, it.name, etc.
everything I have thrown in there creates an error for me. if i log notifydevice I see the 2 names. But doing something on the current item in loop to test I fail at. More specific suggestion?
example. say I have A & B in list. If I want to prevent A from loading notification device due to false boolean and let B load device or any combination.
Maybe something like:
if(it.name == βnameβ && boolVar)