Best Zigbee Smart Plugs

They are only 600 W. A 1500W though should be able to be used on a 15A plug, but I would read the specs carefully and use a brand I trust. The Jasco says 1800W resistive.

I just bought 4 of these cheap ones:
US ZigBee Smart Plug Switch Power Socket For eWeLink Amazon Alexa Google Home | eBay

$24.12 out the door with tax!

We'll see how that goes! they will take a long time to get here! I will check back around the middle of February.

Someone else posted about those on another it is, I think. Same plug?

Most likely not up to U.S standard as well.
I recommend stay away from non-standard Electrical devices.

Any updates to this thread in 2022?


I mostly have the old Iris square plug, and Centralites. Centralites are great - 15 amps, completely reliable, and you can fit two on a double outlet.

SONOFF is a pretty great deal at $17 for two, and $33 for four on Amazon. You can also put two on a double outlet.

Neither Centralite or SONOFF do power reporting, but majority of the time I don't need that, so no issue.

Haven't tried Sengled or Tuya, but both are good brands.

I’ve done INNR in the past. Wasn’t sure if there was more of a preferred brand.

Don’t like the models that block the other outlet.

These newer Sengled Zigbee outlets work well, and they also support power reporting.


Thanks, didn't know the Sengled did power reporting. In that case I'd get the Sengled if I wanted power rerporting, and SONOFF (price, generally good rep) or Centralite (long-term good experience w/them) if I didn't.


What I'm using:
SmartThings Outlet - DC'd, 15A, UL Listed, Power Reporting
Innr Smart Plug - 10A, UL Listed, Zigbee 3.0
Linkind - DC'd?, 15A, Zigbee 3.0

For inductive loads:
Sinope Smart Plug SP2600ZB - 15A, UL Listed, ZHA 1.2, Power Reporting, No group messaging (looks like these are going to be out of stock for a while)
Leviton Smart Plug DG15A-1BW - 15A, UL Listed, Zigbee 3.0

I haven't had issues with any of these.

The smartthings plug is the way to go. Most zigbee repeaters have a maximum of 6 connected end point devices. the smartthings plug will connect to 19 or 20. the only other device I have that will make that many connections is an xbee.

I think it is technically off spec, but I think it was smartthings way of making zigbee more reliable when you have lots of motion/contact sensors or other battery powered end points.


I have been using the Innr Zigbee smart plugs as repeaters.

As an extra "bonus", they also repeat properly for Aqara Zigbee devices.


They are amazingly reliable, but can’t be purchased easily or for a reasonable price. I’m just glad I bought 5 of them (2 gen 2 and 3 gen 3) just as they were going out of stock everywhere. The gen 3 (Zigbee 3.0) seem to be stronger repeaters than the gen 2.
I have a couple Sonoff that I bought about 6 months ago, but they don’t seem to be repeating for anything in my mesh.
So far I’m liking the Hue smart plugs. They seem strong, are repeating for devices, and haven’t caused any problems so far. I’ve had them about a month now.

Did not know this - thanks for including this info. I like the Aqara buttons, and their contact sensors are nicely tiny, but never could get the to play/stay on my hub. Maybe a few strategically placed Innr plugs are in my future. Did you have to sprinkle a lot around and only use Innr plugs as repeaters to get Aqara stuff to be reliable?

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I was using the Innr plugs for my Hue system...and they kept falling off the Hue network.

They have been solid on the Hubitat Zigbee network.

No real pattern...just sprinkled them around. The spots I ended up picking were where we would place Christmas stuff that I wanted to automate. I just leave them there all year round with nothing plugged in.


Oh man! I didn't realize there was a 6 device limit! That may explain the issues I'm having with zigbee as I've expanded it!

Do you have a link to the SmartThings plug?

They've been discontinued as SmartThings no longer makes their own devices. Aeotec took over production, but I have yet to see the Aeotec version of the SmartThings outlet. You may still be able to find them on sites like eBay though.

You could use Hue plugs, which I’m very happy with, or @aaiyar is using a cheaper one that I can’t recall the details of. He will probably chime in on the brand if it’s not already in this thread somewhere.
The SmartThings ones are really very good, but they are extremely pricey if you can even find one.

@nick.albright Centralite made the older versions of the SmartThings devices. Their outlet is still available: