Seeking your advice and recommendations. Which motion sensor make/model do you believe is currently the best for indoor residential use, in a fairly active environment?
- C8 compatible using the latest firmware.
- Z-Wave (Setup uses 15+ repeaters in mesh w/no ZigBee devices)
- Long battery life
- Fast/reliable response
Bonus features:
- USB+Battery power
- Illuminance, temp and/or humidity reporting
- Long range (LR)
Inside the house, I mostly use Zigbee motion sensors. I have some older Smartthings motion sensors, but recently I have been purchasing them from Third Reality. They are inexpensive and run on AAA bateries.
For outside use, you need robust sensors with water resistance. For those I use Zooz, The exact model I have has been discontinued, The replacement is the ZSE70 long range Z-wave device.
Both Aeotec and Zooz have Z-wave multi-sensors for indoor use. Because of the multiple sensors, they tend to be power hungry and use more expensive batteries. That is why I use the less expensive Zigbee devices from Third Reality.
I generally prefer Zigbee motion sensors, as they do better on pretty much all fronts: response speed (no real reason for this and it's not universal but definitely a trend, possibly related to their use more commonly for home automation over security), battery life, and often smaller size. But since you want Z-Wave, the most I can suggest would be newer generations of Z-Wave (700 or 800), which have both improved power consumption/battery life and possible LR compatibility, both of which it appears are important to you.
If I had to pick one that checked the most boxes, I'd say the Neo Coolcam Z-Wave 700 motion (4-in-1) sensor. It can battery powered (CR123A) or USB powered, life has been pretty good on battery for me, it's pretty fast compared to other Z-Wave sensors I've used, and it also does temperature, humidity, and lux. Bad news is that they are very hard to find in the US, assuming that is where you are (location is important for Z-Wave as, unlike Zigbee, it is not the same frequency worldwide). It is also not LR.
There are some newer Z-Wave 800 motion sensors, including a few from Zooz, but I only use their outdoor model in production (would be a bit awkward for indoor use, though not impossible). The Q sensor worked fine in my testing, but I haven't had it long enough or use it often enough to say much else. And I haven't tried the latest generation of their smaller sensor, though previous generations were "meh" for me, mostly due to slow response. Same for the 800-series Aeon sensors, though they've always at least looked nice (but tend to be expensive).
Most of these aren't exactly raving reviews from me, but that's again because I prefer Zigbee -- and the hub does both well, so no need to be afraid if you change your mind some day. 
Same here. I have had mixed results with Z-wave sensors. None of the ones I have tried were all that great, but admittedly I haven't tried modern 800 series sensors mostly due to my poor experience with the 500 series and older sensors.
Typically in my home I have Zigbee sensors, and Z-wave switches/dimmers. Then I go with Zigbee for LED controllers, that protocol seems better suited for RGB lighting, Z-wave seems very clunky for RGB stuff.
I believe in mixing protocols to get what works best. Thankfully there are hubs like Hubitat that allow mixing protocols.
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I'm liking the Zooz ZSE18 800LR a lot. Fast, adjustable, good battery life so far. I have 13 in service.
edit: Included as long range
Zooz ZSE18 800LR. Good battery, fast, better (magnetic) mounting, and a USB power option.
Zooz ZSE11 800LR if you HAVE to have temp/humidity in that same device. But they are gigantic (in my opinion).
Note that both of those Zooz sensors are USB "or" battery, not "and". You have to pick one or the other / can't use both at the same time.
I like the ball and magnetic joint setup. Big range of motion.
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Do you know if these are the same as the HomeSeer MS100 G8 motion sensors, just branded under a different name? They look identical with similar specs.
Also, you mentioned, "good battery life so far". How long have these been in service without a battery change?
Not familiar with HomeSeer.
Maybe Sept/24.
So, about 6 mos. with nearly 3/4 of them at 98%+ battery. Not bad! Thanks for sharing.
I don't keep adequate battery records though, so there's that.
I have two in the kitchen stuck to the fridge. I spend a lot of time there, so they're constantly firing. As I said, very snappy response (long range, 800?), and tunable, so as not to be so sensitive, as desired.