Best way to input an integer into a Hubitat variable

I am looking for suggestions on how to input an integer into two different Hubitat variables.

What type of constraints are you operating under? Easiest method is to just go to the Hub Variables interface and type it in, but I'm sure you're looking for something else. Is there a use case you have in mind?

Yes, I could just go to the variables interface and do it. I am using these integers (possibly negative) on a dashboard. I would need to enter them as a score in a card game. I can handle all of the particulars with webcore. I was just wondering if there might be a simple driver that would prompt for an integer input.

Right now you could use a variable connector (which actually a device driver) to get access to variable on the dashboard, in the near future the dashboard tiles should get the direct interface.

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I tried that. But when I tap the dashboard icon, it comes up as a string variable even though I created it as a number. And, I would want the numerical keyboard to pop up, not the alphanumeric keyboard.

Hmmm, didn't use to do that. Only will store an integer, but no warning or alert. Might ask @bravenel if there is something that could be done in the next release to address.

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You got me thinking. Maybe I could just use a temporary Hubitat dashboard to input the integers......let's see.......

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@thebearmay , using variables in a Hubitat Dashboard worked. Thank you sir!

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