Best way to automate door locks

Would you mind explaining the cancelled timed actions part of your rule? I took your two rules from above minus the cancelled part. I had a hard time finding that action in the app. I ended up having a hard time getting the door close delay to work. It would use the time from the door relock rule until I added the canceled timed actions part. Now it works like a champ.

When the step is cancelled, does it skip to the next line in the row?

When you say correct lock driver? What are you saying there? All my locks are Schlage, and I am still having issues with them.

I'm starting to think the lock itself is losing connection. They are not far from the hub or anything so I don't know what to do at this point.

You may want to try to change the driver to Generic Zwave Lock to see if that helps.

I had issues with a Kwikset z-wave lock that was not a plus version. It would not always pick up if it was locked or unlocked. I ended up upgrading to the z-wave plus version and it works great. If your lock isn’t a plus version it may be related to what I experienced.

Sorry for the late reply I don't have notifications on.

The "Cancel Timed Actions" is whenever the door is opened to cancel the timers for locking the door. So for example, if you close the door it starts the 1-minute timer. If you were to open the door before that minute was up it has the potential to lock the door with it open and then crashing into the door frame when you try to close it. Or in your case to lock at a different time then you wanted. The rule cancels the timer for the rule it is in and the other rule for relocking the door called "Front Door Relock".

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Can you share how you implement the 2 wrong PINS auto lock?