Best way to automate door locks

Have you used the app mentioned above by @lewis.heidrick?

Yes that is the one I am using now, figured it would be the simplest. Yet, this morning I went to a lock, and it was unlocked. So it must not of fired?

Just tested it again, went out the door, waited till it locked. It did. Then I came back in the house, and then it never relocked. It is like it doesnt want to do it after one time, unless there is a lot of time in between

@lewis.heidrick - agreed, Auto Lock is a reliable and simple app, works great for me w/my Schlage lock. In fact, you probably pointed it out to me as well. :slight_smile:

It seems to be working correctly for a lot of us. Are you using correct lock driver ? Have you checked your automation rules to see if the lock is in any other rule ?

This is an important point...some of my worst results are when I have inadvertently put a device into multiple competing automations. Looking at the devices page in the Device list to see what automations/apps it's being used in is a key troubleshooting step for dummies like me. :slight_smile:

So can u elaborate a bit more on this? Should the lock not be in any other automations whatsoever?

If the lock is in another rule, it could be conflicting. Depending on what the rule is. I don't know what rules you’ve set!

Also check for any HSM rules.

First question id ask is does the lock work 100% from the device page?

Yes it's there. I never see it missing or anything.

I'm going to double check. But to me it seems like if it is done in quick succession at times.. that's when I may not lock.

Sounds like zwave radio issues to me

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Check your logs for image
Also, put a delay of like 5 minutes at least so it isn't constantly firing when you're bringing in the groceries and such.

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Ok I'm going to look into this today.

Just curious, about when you mention to put 5 minute delay. My biggest issue with this is, what happens if I leave the house, and there is a 5 minute delay on locking the door? I mean obviously i can lock it manually, but we are so used to not, it is tough to do it now.

How do you handle this situation?

And thanks again.

Adjust it as needed but it usually takes me at least 3 or 4 minutes to get in the car and drive away. Especially with my herd of kids. I'm not really worried someone is going to come in within that 1 minute or so that it's unlocked, but I understand some may not be comfortable with that so put like a 2 minute delay in there instead. You can always tweak it to whatever works for you. I just try to make my automatons automatic. If I have to futz with something then I've done something wrong with how I have it setup. We rarely have to interact with anything in the house. It all just works when we come into a room as we expect it to. It helps that we have very routine schedule, but even for the non-routine things there's ways to automate for it.

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Just a question about your answer:
does it mean that, when you're home, your doors are unlocked (because of your presence) ?

Or, after entering (automatically unlocked), you manually locks the doors (but then, how your rules can discriminate this) ?

thank you to enlighten me

When I'm asleep everything is locked down. When I wake up everything is locked but alarm disabled as long as someone is home. When we leave, we manually unlock and it relocks 5 minutes later. When we arrive it automatically unlocks and relocks 5 minutes after we come in or 5 minutes later if door isnt opened.

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Similar to what we do except we don't use presence to lock/unlock as I've never felt like it was accurate/dependable enough.

So we unlock the door when we get home via code, close the door and it auto locks w/in five minutes. When we leave we either push the Schlage button to lock, or leave it and it auto locks after five minutes.

On both ST and HE we only started relying on auto-lock when we leave after testing for a while w/auto-lock when we get home, just to be sure it's reliable. Once confirmed it was working we never had any issues.

I accomplished everything with two simple rules. It keeps it from locking if the door is opened and locks the door once it is closed after 1 minute in my case. Then if the door unlocks but the door doesn't open, it relocks after 5 minutes. Useful if you use presence to unlock the door this gives you time to get to the door and also offers a fails safe if unlocked incorrectly. Or unlocking the door for a visitor arriving soon.

I would love to know a step-by-step to this rule. This is exactly what I'm look for but having issues getting the rule built.

I dumped the zwave kwikset locks.. unreliable.. i bought either used or the retrofit from amazon for around 50 each to just replace the card in the locks with zigbee and they all worked.

For automations.. I lock all afer a certain time at night if all motion seases (like it used to be on smartthings) and change mode to night. and also turn off lights and close garage doors etc.

If one lock is unlocked I disarm the house (change to home) and unlock the reset , except one that is pretty much locked all the time.

I also unlock the applicable door, change to home and open the garage door when a car returns.

and if all cars are gone l close the doors lock and change to away.