I'm looking for under cabinet lighting, RGB+CCT, Z-radio of some kind, a nice diffuse cover, and works well for many discontinuous strips under a cabinet (like 6 sections of 3 feet each). Obviously I can do some lighting groups but this odd discontinuity (no, I am not running wires between each section) means the cost of the Zigbee or Zwave brain becomes pretty meaningful.
Are you willing to DIY because that seems like I pretty niche request for 6 separate very short runs that act as one (I assume)? From that, does that mean you have power available at those 6 locations?
If willing to DIY, a $5 ESP32 board installed with WLED, a small 5v power supply with 2-3 amps, 3ft of LEDs, 3ft diffuser channel and some soldering skills or use of wiring clips and you are there for each section.
The ESP32 board relies on WiFi but remain local except for firmware updates. The nice thing about WLED is that the six separate controllers can be sync'd to act as one.
There is a WLED community integration with Hubitat.
I do have power at each location and I get that it's kinda special, for sure. Is there a cost effective Zradio version? I'm down to DIY but I'm a stickler about not having smart Wifi stuff (everything is Z).
Not that I am aware. There is a recent post where a couple Zigbee options were suggested:
Why no on WiFi for this? All of my ESP32-based boards for WLED have been very reliable.
Have you looked at gledapto zigbee controllers?
From a continuity perspective you best choice is single color CT strips with power run each location with a central control point like a switch or relay device. Once you move away from that continuity is kind of a crap shoot.
Wifi will give you allot more options. Wifi doesn't have to mean cloud if that is why you avoid it. You could get a few of the short Govee M1 strips and they could be completely local once setup. WLED or Pixelblaze could give you DIY ESP32 options that are fully local as well.
The downsides of wifi solutions if choosen properly are generally related to if your wifi gear isn't up to it. Some wifi gear really struggle as the number of connected devices increase or they dont handle UDP well which can be a problem if the gear uses it for communication. Good wifi gear won't flinch at it.