Best non zigbee smart lights?

That price point is tough to ignore - 1/3 the price of the Halo fixture.
Should I be concerned about build quality or longevity of the LED? (Probably tough for you to say only having it for 2 months)

(Thanks to others for the quick replies as well - Guess I should re-calibrate what I call an "old" thread :slightly_smiling_face:)

I looked at the CE ones too...from what I found on them they are also ZHA and had good reports on the ST forum.

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These are Home Depot branded "works with Wink" bulbs. They aren't carrying these anymore, so they are discontinued. The build quality is great. I considered replacing all the down-lights in my home and still may do so if I can convince my brain that all the work would be worth it. I do not see anything that would discourage me from recommending them.

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