Yes that.
They have worked well for me. I am in the US and have a C-7 hub. I would raise one word of caution with them though. There was a thread complaining of the sensor locking up with the Europe version. I have seen something similar with mine and the resolution was to replace the batteries, but dont know if that fixes the Europe version.
Weird i cant find any mention of z-wave, they purly motion? What driver do they use?
There is a built in driver for it on hubitat. It is only supported on the C-7 hub. They are purely for motion.
The ring alarm system is zwave. All gen2 stuff is zwave 700.
i second the nyc for rooms where you want instant on.. i use in my bathrooms for turning on the nightlite instantly when you walk in.. one drawback is with temp reporting battery lasts a little less than a year.. but no big deal..
I solved this by putting a contact sensor on the shower door that functions to turn on and off the exhaust fan and keep the lights from turning off when the door is closed.
We had an interior motion sensor go off by what I believe was a truck carrying large panes of glass reflecting sunlight just at the right time to "flash" our living room...
I got my Ecolink sensor today. First motion sensor I have tried. . .seems to be working well. Now I have to figure out how to implement with it. . .do you all create a timer that you reset at last action? I can see how this could be useful in deciding when it is safe to turn off lights that are left on.
Does the Hue outdoor motion sensor have lux and temperature reporting?
Yes. Both indoor and outdoor Hue motion sensors have lux and temperature reporting as well as adjustable motion sensitivity. They are expensive, but the indoor ones (and sometimes the outdoor) are available through for $10 less than anywhere else. Also, some of the expense is made up with the use of AAA batteries that last for at least 2 years in my experience.
If you have a pet, and a large room or long hallway coverage challenge. These folks set the bar on sensor selectivity/false-ing avoidance and battery sipping in the Security System Industry.
I set up the humidity sensor last year. I bought a bunch of the SONOFF humidity/temp sensors. They do the job. I have them in all rooms with exhaust fans or windows.
I thought about a simple motion sensor. I checked my goody drawer, but all I could dig up was a SONOFF motion sensor. It lasted about 1 month, then died. Probably moisture was the issue.
What kind of motion sensor is that in your picture? It looks like the last version of the Samsung SmartThings motion sensor.
I love those and wish I could find some more. No luck.
If anyone has some they are not using and want to donate to the goody drawer contact me.
I just bought one from Amazon. The price has come down a lot. It was about US $47. I checked my local COSTCO and did not find any. I was pretty impressed by all of the home automation stuff they had. Too bad they had no motion sensors suitable for moist or humid areas.
Mine is a Samsung. Aeotec is now making the same device. Right now they are $40 on Amazon, so not the cheapest. They have always been rock solid for me.
Aeotec SmartThings Motion Sensor, Zigbee, Magnetic Mounting, Works with Smart Home Hub and Compatible Zigbee Hubs
I may be in the market for a couple of pet-immune sensors. Any quirks with the MP-840?
The Bosch ISW-ZDL1-WP11G has been my go-to device (90lb dog + 2 cats) and I appreciate that it is on the List of Compatible Devices. However, the supply of inexpensive surplus units has faded. It might be good to have an alternate.
I need to send a spare to @mike.maxwell so he can/will add the fingerprint to the Generic Zigbee Device driver. I am running it without it officially in there and it works great on motion, the temp reports but I'm not sure it is reporting per my settings in the driver.
This is a good device and has jumpers for increasing or decreasing sensitivity; i.e. only respond on motion in field of view after "seeing it" twice (preventing false-ing).
Got these awhile ago but I think they should be still available. Sometimes on Ebay. Don't be afraid of buying from the seller in the M.E. country Visonic was born in. I suspect that is excess inventory.
You can post that here for him. At the device’s page, change the driver to “device” and hit “save”.Then tap “get info” and the fingerprint will output on the logs page. Don’t forget to change the driver back to the one you’re using.